Lamictal xr (lamotrigine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Lamictal xr (lamotrigine)

Lamictal has had a positive effect on my life. I have tried so many psychotropic medications that were not completely helpful and had uncomfortable side effects. With Lamictal XR I have been able to manage depressive symptoms. I still have anxiety, but not so severe. I am able to get up and start my day without the disabling symptoms of depression that made getting out of bed a major issue. I would recommend taking Lamictal XR under a competent doctor's care.

involuntary eye twitching rarely

DO NOT TAKE DR REDDYS BRAND!!!!! I am extremely sensitive to medications and supplements. Keppra = rage and uncontrollable crying, Tegretol = severe Migraines, Depakote = hallucinations. Lamictal side effects are slight and livable.

Libido decrease, weight gain, difficulty refocusing line of sight/viewing horizontal or vertical lines without eyes blurring, vitamin D deficiency/weakened teeth and sometimes it dissolves my energy so that I am not as productive as I want to be. No medication that affects your brain can be without some negative side effects. This medication worked better than I was hoping for.

I am medication-sensitive. I tried other drugs for my seizures: Depakote (severe adverse side effects), Tegretol, and Keppra. I like Lamictal XR because, unlike some of the others I tried, it has not caused hallucinations, a psychotic break, fits of rage, spontaneous sobbing, migraines, difficulty thinking, recalling words, etc. The side effects are relatively benign. My social anxiety has been greatly diminished because it regulates my brain. I prefer the XR version because it gives me a more consistent presence of the drug and, in my case, not having enough in my system always results in pre-seizure symptoms. On the flip side, it does take away any sense of urgency which used to spur me to complete tasks. Nothing is perfect. This works better than I ever hoped.

Bipolar 2/ Chronic Depressions

Maybe a few more pimples than usual- but not a big deal. Skin is more sensitive- no big deal. Today I start taking 25 mg twice a day. So far this has been the best medicine for me in 10 years, I feel so much better!!!! I pray this continues and I can skip the depressions that plague me every Fall. I pray that anyone suffering can also be helped by this medicine. I have been taking Cymbalta and Ativan for a while and doxepin in the fall for sleep. Hoping I will not need doxepin in the fall as Lamictal may do the trick. This has been a true blessing- I feel CALM and that is just the best feeling. I had my birthday Friday and this has been the best gift I have ever received. Praying I do not get the rash- plan on taking this a long time. I have been on so many antidepressants- they all eventually stopped working. This may be the key.

Bipolar disorder 2 rapid cycling

Hair loss, memory loss, rash, word recall, fatigue, shortness of breath

Mood swings, suicidal thoughts, memory loss, inability to focus on once 'second nature' tasks for both work and personal life, inability to speak clearly-forgetting words or straining of thoughts, stumbling through basic grammatical rules, which were once a great strength and the focus of my college studies, rapid weight gain, dizziness.

I tried quitting Lamictal XR w/out informing my neurologist and paid dearly for it. As a business leader, it is difficult to accept what I consider to be a great weakness: both my epilepsy and the side-effects involved with Lamictal XR. I've always been in control of my surroundings, focused and on top of every aspect of my job. After taking Lamictal XR, I started feeling like I was losing my mind. It was like experiencing consistent senile moments at the ripe age of 26... So I stopped taking it, which resulted in what felt like a stroke-blacking out, numbing of the entire face, inability to communicate, and other side effects that lasted for nearly four hours. I had to admit to my neurologist what I had done, who explained that of all the drugs on the market for epilepsy, Lamictal XR is the "cleanest" of them all, with far less required doses and fewer side effects. I had to quit my job, unable to perform as I used to, and still struggle to this day to keep my wits about me. I feel like I am losing my mind, but it's better than still having partial seizures. I recommend this drug but warn against straying from prescribed doses without first discussing it with your doctor.

Some loss of short-term memory.

I started taking the Lamictal XR after I had a very bad experience when my pharmacy changed me to generic of the immediate release version (made by Cipla).I ended up liking the XR version more than the original immediate release brandname because if I took the immediate release an hour or two later than I normally would I ended up feeling very tired the next afternoon. I feel that Lamictal XR allows me a larger window of time (plus/minus a few hours) to take the medication without causing me to feel sleepy the next day.

LAMICTAL XR (LAMOTRIGINE): This product is used to prevent or control seizures (epilepsy). This drug is not approved for use in children younger than 2 years due to an increased risk of side effects (such as infections). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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