Lamictal odt (lamotrigine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Lamictal odt (lamotrigine)

Very slight dry mouth, but barely detectable. My fingers are crossed that this doesn't get worse, as it's a deal breaker for me. Anyone remember the tricyclics?I've taken a lot of things to try and improve this hand that I've been dealt, and nothing has really worked very well, except androgens .... yeah they work, but they're expensive. They say lots of exercise works also, but getting there is difficult when you're mixed bipolar. It's a roller coaster.

When I started hearing about treating bipolar patients with anticonvulsants, I admit I was intrigued, but I had so many bad prior experiences being a guinea pig, that I stayed away. Still, in the back of my mind, I kept wondering if perhaps bipolar could be a more subtle form of epilepsy. In other words ... brain damage. So with this idea in mind, and unable to afford androgens, I gave Lamictal a try. What I like about it, is that it appears to be naturally lifting my mood, without causing mania, and so far it's not changing my personality, which is the whole reason I opted for hormones over SRI's. As much as I have suffered over the years, I like being me. Lamictal also has calmed my racing thoughts, allowing me to concentrate MUCH better, but unlike a tranq. I'm still taking 600 mg Lithium Carb. per day and about 0.5 Xan., but hoping to cut out one or both of these. So far so good.

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Headaches came on pretty roughly, even just after 2 days. Keeping an eye out for that damnable rash!

Simple to take, tastes pretty good haha. Only downside is that I have to keep the pill in the foil pack because they're incredibly sensitive to even slight moisture, so I can't put them in a pill bottle or in a weekly pill box. It's a 3 because I haven't been taking it long enough yet.

LAMICTAL ODT (LAMOTRIGINE): Lamotrigine is used alone or with other medications to prevent or control seizures (epilepsy). It may also be used to help prevent the extreme mood swings of bipolar disorder in adults. This drug is not approved for use in children younger than 2 years due to an increased risk of side effects (such as infections). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Vomiting within hrs of first dose. This is day 2 still feel like death. Couldn't sleep stomach hurt all night. Ate half bake potato all day. Very uncomfortable fullness feeling. Still very nauseated and I can't wait for this to end. Never again!

It only burns my eyes at night when I apply the drop. The burning starts about an hour after and I have to put natural tears in to wash out the burning feeling. I am not a baby about pain. But it’s about a 9/10 and I’ve had no change yet in my dry eye symptoms. I have to say reading these experiences people have with Restasis makes me want to stop but everyone is different so I hope this helps me.

two of my friends took different BC methodone took OTClo--got pregnant and the pills made her sickone took the shot--one shot ($60) every 3 months

a relative suggested I google side effects of Zyrtec on the chance this drug could be the cause of negative behavior in my son. Found this website & several others that made me discontinue Zyrtec. Literally, behavior improved overnight. Our son is much more compliant, sleeps great, generally happy & pleasant. I feel like my family has peace again !

I never believed that this drug would calm me down because I was just too anxious, but the effect was very immediate (through IV) I only remember small parts of it now, then afterwards I was forgetful but I was also aware of what I was doing and saying I'm the moment so I was pleased with it, it is a bit like being tipsy for a few hours but that's all.

I'd say if you want to get (at all) a high from a drug, this would not the one you would want to take. On the other hand if you want to be relieved of chronic anxiety without being on something addictive, this is exactly the drug that you'd want to take. I've struggled with debilitating anxiety all my long life and have tried everything! I had stopped everything a few years ago concluding that there were some people who did not ever fit in. Still felt somewhat blessed - had a wife that accepted me and a couple good friends. BUt I was still stuck in the prison of this disease. Decided to go back to those old habit formers and even the new anti depressants - but shoot, my old body was not able to take the abuse. Decided, although my Dr. and a large number of those on this list did not think very highly of it, to try Buspirone. What's prescribed for me is 10mg x 3. What I actually take is 5mg x 3, and split a 5 into two 2.5mg parts to take in the evening if things get a little off. For the first time in my I guess 50 years of this (I call it definitely) disease, I feel completely normal. Not high in any way, but NORMAL. Took about a month to really kick in, but actually felt some relief in the second week.

Extreme fatigue, regular nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea, IMPOTENCE