Lactulose (lactulose) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Lactulose (lactulose)

More gas than usual.Mild acid reflux.

It does work, I take it at night and I have a very, nice, well formed b.m. the next morning. I have chronic constipation, so if I don't take it, I won't go. The issue I have started about a week ago, it is now starting to put weight on me. No matter how little I eat or exercise, my weight is climbing. This is upsetting me, I have to have bowel movements, but I don't want to gain weight. That's why I rated it a "3".

I've gained weight on this! How do you fix it! Anyone have any advice? Please let me know. It's stubborn weight that won't go away for some reason.

Bloating(severe - stomach like a football) Gas( stinking and very frequent, for hours on end) Several trips to the toilet( ending up in liquid poop)

Tastes horrid. Disgusting. Hard to keep it down - feel like vomiting after taking as has a terrible consistency. Works well though.

Severe stomach bloated causing terrible pain, passing gas embarrassing, acid reflux burning so bad I can't sleep, gained 3 lbs in two weeks, was so bad I couldn't eat yet still gained weight.

I had to stop it, wasting 120.00! Your better off using magnesium citrate and fleets to get started. I Use a stool softener daily also. Lactulose is horrible.

Constipation and slow digestion

I took this for three days and I gained 9lbs in that time. I am a slim and very active person and I still have not lost the weight. I think it actually slowed my metabolism down. I did poop- little rabbit poops but I have gained so much weight.

I took this over 6 weeks ago and I still can't get the weight off.

Took a good 12 hours to work but after just 1 dose, it's kept movement for days

Ammonia levels due to liver disease

Explosive unpredictable diarrhea. Horrible Gas and bloating. Cramping, I'm afraid to go to work because I never know when I will literally have to run to the bathroom! It's also making me puff up. My legs even feel like they are retaining fluid or something. Stomach is puffed out. It's very disheartening

There has to be a better alternative to this. Seems like someone could figure something out so those who need it can lead a normal life. What's the point of living if you're living it in the bathroom on your throne?

I get gas, diarrhea and stomach gurgling.

I use lactulose once a week. I have constipation after having WLS. It usually works in less than 30 minutes if my stomach is empty. Works better than anything else I've tried.

Extreme stomach distention from gas that I couldn't pass, I couldn't go out of the house because I felt awful and my gut made so much noise it was embarrassing. And, sadly, it didn't cause bowel movements.

Constipation due to painkillers

Terrible bloating and discomfort

Diarrhea and weight gain.... Didn't understand going all the time... Full... And gaining weight.... Caused more depression and disgust

Stomach cramps, pain.though out lower intestines. I've gained 32 pounds in six days..My stomach and legs are huge. My face is swollen, lips and eyes. This product has only brought more pain & worry into my life.

It took 3 doses to produce a small movement followed by watery liquid. Next day 1 more dose to try for movement. 1 very watery movement. Didn't seem like very much actual poop. Now having lots of painful, bloating gas. I won't take it again.

I should have read reviews first. Probably would have tried something different.

Terrible gas, nausea, bloating, severe rumbling and gurgling, stomach distention, headache, weight gain of approximately 4 pounds in 7 days.

This was prescribed after my insurance refused to pay for Linzess, which worked amazingly. I also tried trulance which did not work as well. This is terrible medication. I have forced myself to take it thinking after a couple days things would level out however I think it's getting worse. I can go a day having 1 bowel movement and then not have another for 2 days. Even after a bowel movement I'm so uncomfortable and bloated.

Worked wonderfully with bowels and nothing else worked but and this is huge I have gained 25 pounds and I excercise more and eat less and was told it wasn't lactulose but I'm stopping this is insane I've never had weight issues

Extreme bloating, dizziness and horrendous smelly flatulence. Still not going to the toilet enough.

Extreme stomach rumbling, gas, bloating very bad, stomach discomfort. No bowel movement. Gained 1 pound each day. I stopped taking it after 3 days due to all the above. Will not take it again. I have chronic constipation and have had it for many years and this medication does not work for me.

Through the whole treatment it worked only 3 times, i gained 5 lbs in 2 weeks!

Chronic constipation still on med.

Extreme bloating diarrhea cramps gas nauseous.

Sometimes it works great sometimes it doesnt. I think the most i went in 1 day was 14 times and others days i dont go.

LACTULOSE (LACTULOSE): This medication is a laxative used to treat constipation. It may help to increase the number of bowel movements per day and the number of days you have a bowel movement. Lactulose is a colonic acidifier that works by increasing stool water content and softening the stool. It is a man-made sugar solution. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Horrific!!! I feel like I have been poisoned! Extreme pain everywhere. Mental health issues that I've never had. Extreme fatigue, depression, crying, joint, muscle and body pain, stomach ache, chest pressure and pain, high blood sugar, sore throat, headache, feeling like I am in a dream. Just awful! I only took one shot and will never take again! Please do your research before you take this poison. I wish I had!

initial insomnia, restless leg, severe nausea, constipation, and increased sweating, bloating stomach and gas.

Some insomnia in the beginning, otherwise nothing, still concerned if it's working as I am not feeling ANY different :)

Severe cramping, vomiting, headache, insomina

12-yr younger gf, better experience

I would not recommend this to anyone unless it was a life or death situation. A single one off dose. You will become dependant within 9 days & have protracted long term w/d symptoms as above mentioned. Everyday for me is hell & in so much pain & anxiety like I have never know I know have PTSD because of this drug. It is unforgivable that it is prescribed knowing the rebound defeats any short term benefit. I consider any benefit forfeited for the pain too withdraw if your strong enough & don't kill yourself trying to survive wave after wave of horrendous w/d tolerance symptoms. Please do reconsider any Benzodiazepines as you about to destroy your mental & physical health, it's a long road years back into healing, something the medical profession won't tell you, only victims of this drug.

Stuffy nose, weaning off Afrin

When I was pregnant the doc told me because it was a class C drug that I had to stop cold turkey..BAD IDEA...I was a wreck for 3 weeks...had the fast head movement/jitter feeling/zapping all over body...Went back on it after my pregnancy and was fine,my last pregnancy my new doc told me to NOT stop taking it cold turkey..thank GOD for him...much better experience...I have 2 healthy,happy effect on them at all.

No side effects at all only positive relief of symptoms.

No overt side effects. Curious and looking for feedback--just found out that I have coronary artery calcification at age 52. Taken Actonel for over 3 years. Heart calcium score of 158. I have no risk factors, no family history, very active. I'm very interested in hearing form other women about coronary related side effects.