Kuvan (sapropterin dihydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Kuvan (sapropterin dihydrochloride)

KUVAN (SAPROPTERIN DIHYDROCHLORIDE): This medication is used along with diet changes for long-term treatment of a certain inherited disorder (phenylketonuria-PKU). It helps remove a certain chemical (phenylalanine) from the body. Too much phenylalanine in the body can cause brain damage. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

Took myself off of it cold turkey, started feeling better the second day and it just keeps getting better everyday... feel like a new person. Amazing how much better I feel, so much energy and the brain fog is gone... if your on this crap get off now!!PS.. my BP only went up 5 points off this med,

My 15 year old son started Lamictal 150 mg at age 12. He has suffered 3 fractures in his spine, terrible bone and joint pain, and high blood pressure. Hasn't been in school in 3 mo. Unable to sit. Been to Cleveland - Pittsburgh had spinal epidurals, facet injections, MRI, bone scans, spect scan, steroid inj, physical therapy, labwork, took many meds -put on Enbrel IM Injections for 3 mo hoping he might have arthritis. Doctors guessed arthritis or that his pain was in his head. Turns out LAMICTAL can cause. VITAMIN D DEFICIENCY which causes high blood pressure, elevated triglycerides, elevated ionized calcium /PTH, fractures AND MORE. Tapering off. Doc started 50,000IU vit D wkly. and 1000mg calcium daily. BE CAREFUL. Vit D Deficiency is serious. Have your blood checked. Lamictal can be helpful but the anticonvulsant family can cause Vit D deficiency. Are very thankful that we know the source of his pain. We now have hope that the next weeks and months will bring relief. We thank God.

I had a espoide of feeling really ill went to Dr's had ECG. I halved the dose and wasn't to bad the next day increased to dose prescribed and was ill again 7 hrs after taking. On the point of calling a Ambulance.

I can't tell if this drug made a difference in my mood. My boyfriend says it does. I'm still depressed but can't tell if it's situational, or all the negative side-effects I'm experiencing. I will say that my partial seizures have ceased entirely. I'm very upset if I will have to go back on Depakote which made me gain weight and made me sexually dysfunctional.

dizziness,slurred speech,blurred vision,ataxia,digestive problems,tremors,numbness,and lack of coordination

I love it too! Better than smoking and I knew that because I would chew during the day at work and smoke in the morning and at night. Knew that if I wanted to stop smoking it would be with the gum and finally did it! However, the body aches are worrying me and I'm about to put the gum down and try something else. I can TRULY see where I could be addicted to the gum for 5-10 years.

This drug can be scary. But don't worry, it gets better and the effects do wear off. It took me 2 weeks after stopping to feel completely normal again. You can do this. Stay strong.

This drug is horrible..Extreme anxiety and panic..severe headaches twice a month..sinus problems..blood in urine..dry eyes and ear problems..weird smells like cigarette smoke ( I have never smoked nor has anyone in my house)..heart racing

Took 25mg Tylenol PM (Diphenhydramine hydrochloride(HCL))at bedtime for headache/sleep aide. NOT KNOWING IT WAS RELATED TO BENEDRYL. After about 3 hours, I woke up with ringing of ears, feeling like my eyes were dilated (but were constricted instead), had dry mouth. I became cold & clammy, dizzy, my eyes started to black out(go fuzzy), felt like I was floating off the ground. Ran for the couch and collapsed..feeling weak, heaviness (unable to move like I was paralyzed)I could think but not speak to call out for help. I had shortness of breath and difficulty breathing. I started sweating profusely, feeling panicky. I was so scared. Finally fell asleep (against my wishes).

I'm concerned about how long this reaction will continue as it has been 2 weeks now and it is unbearable most of the time. I feel my doctor should treat my pain since he's the one who ordered the RECLAST, but apparently I'm now on my own with my pain after a rx of 30 Norco tabs. I cannot express how horrible the pain is/has been. RUINED my holidays.