Klor-con m20 (potassium chloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Klor-con m20 (potassium chloride)

KLOR-CON M20 (POTASSIUM CHLORIDE): This medication is a mineral supplement used to treat or prevent low amounts of potassium in the blood. A normal level of potassium in the blood is important. Potassium helps your cells, kidneys, heart, muscles, and nerves work properly. Most people get enough potassium by eating a well-balanced diet. Some conditions that can lower your body's potassium level include severe prolonged diarrhea and vomiting, hormone problems such as hyperaldosteronism, or treatment with "water pills"/diuretics. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

I have been on this for three weeks and tonight...im not taking another pill. I get nauseated and vomit for no reason at all...once in my car while driving. I am very shaky and get chills (at this very moment im shaking like crazy) after reading all the other comments i just wanted to add one more saying this is the WORST drug i've ever taken!

Do not take this drug! It is poison. There are other, much safer, alternatives. Contact FDA, contact Merck, contact all your health care providers, contact your school counselors, contact the press, tell everyone you know. This is Merck's biggest money maker. This drug should not be given to children!

After about 1.5 weeks of using Aldara I noticed peeling sore skin surrounding the warts and slight itchiness. I was fine at first, but I think I may have forgotten to rinse it off one morning, and having it on my skin for too long caused the irritation. At least the warts are getting hard now. I am going to try the vaseline thing, sounds like a good idea. Genital warts suck!

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Headaches, bleeding in first pack won't stop!

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This site has been a very reassuring to me ,to see how many people have gained weight. My doctor told me that my weight gain was from overeating but I eat normally and still gain weight. I have never gained weight in my life and after a couple of months on the drug I gained 20 pounds. I exercise regularly and still gain weight. I'm coming off in 6 months so hopefully then my body will balance itself out.