Kineret (anakinra) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Kineret (anakinra)

Bad site reactions...welts, burning itching, mostly resolved. Perfect for 18 months then stopped working. Second dose per day helped greatly but still episodes of pain, off and on

Injection site reaction: welts, bruising, hives, bloating. Incredible pain starting in shoulders running down arms and through both hands, wakes me up at night and pain all day. Stopped using Kineret two weeks ago and still in pain.

The only good thing is that it has gotten me off of prednisone. But I have terrible joint pain and stiffness, horrible nightmares, blurred vision, lots of flu like symptoms.

Swollen tongue, face, eyes, lips. Bad neuropathy! I woke up and felt like someone took a sledgehammer to my knees, and then I couldn’t walk n move! I went to walking with a cane, to a walker n then wheelchair! Definitely made my condition worse. Exhaustion and aches and pain all over. Flu like Symptoms. Terrible cramps n spasms! Nasalpharygitis Headaches, nausea, sores in mouth,

Please be careful with this drug. I’m glad it works for some but the doctors should watch us closely. I tried to tell my doc several times n called the company too until I finally landed in the hospital unable to breathe n move. It caused my body to swell terribly and made my CHF worse! I tried to stay on it and I was declining fast. I’m off it for 4 days, and I have my legs back n can walk, almost normally again! Thank God!!! My hands are slowly uncurling and the cramps n spasms are better! Headaches are gone but still getting the runny nose n swollen tongue. Still exhausted n feel weakness.

Only side effect is bruising at the injection site

Kineret has changed my life.Before taking Kineret I would get flare ups every 2 weeks, bedridden for 3 days with every flare up. It’s almost been 4 weeks since I started Kineret, no flare ups, no joint pain.

This drug is an absolute life saver! Without Kineret, my symptoms are uncontrollable.

No side effects other than a little soreness at the injection site.

This drug is a lifesaver for Schnitzlers! It lowers my inflammation and keeps the persistent rash under control. Without it I feel like I have the flu 24/7.

Rheumatoid arthritis, spondylitis

Severe hypoglycemia,dangerously low blood sugar. MADE PAIN MUCH WORSE! Insomnia,sweating,mood swings,AWFUL NEUROPATHY


So far I am just tired. I am having hives and swelling but do not know if it is from the kineret injections.

I would love to talk with others on Kineret, please email me!

KINERET (ANAKINRA): This medication is used alone or with other medications to treat rheumatoid arthritis. It helps to slow joint damage and reduces the joint pain/swelling caused by rheumatoid arthritis so that you can move better. Anakinra is a man-made form of a natural protein (interleukin-1 receptor antagonist) made by the body. It helps to block the effects of another protein (interleukin-1) which can cause joint pain/swelling/stiffness. Anakinra is also used to treat a certain condition called Neonatal-Onset Multisystem Inflammatory Disease (NOMID). It helps to improve symptoms of the disease such as fever, rash, joint pain, vomiting, and headache. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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weight gain over a period of years of almost 100 LB. bloating and edema. joint pain. weight gain got worse as dosage increased. The more weight I gained, the more the doctor prescribed.

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POISON !!! That’s the only way I can label this drug. PURE POISON AND I HAVE NOTHING BUT PURE HATE FOR THE DOCTORS THAT HAND OUT THE DRUG AS IF IT WAS CANDY !!! I am currently on Day 28 and while some of the side effects have gone away, I am still left with a crippling anxiety that lasts for most of the early part of the day and goes away around the afternoon. This medicine has ruined my life for this past month. Unable to live my normal life. Have been off work for two weeks and I am clinging to the Lord and my Faith that this will go away soon. I did several tests at the doctor and I seem to be ok with the exception of this poison that is trapped in my system. Some have said it could take months to get back to normal. I hope my post can be the warning to any future victims. DO NOT TAKE THIS POISON. I’m currently working on a lawsuit towards the company that made this medicine !

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Works perfectly for acid reflux, could actually eat again. However the side effects are almost unbearable at times and I cant continue going through this! Had no idea there were so many having the same problems Ive had.

Trouble Staying asleep for more than 2hrs at a time. Loss of appetite (good side effect) weird, lucid dreams, night sweats. All side effects went away except the dreams. Unfortunately, I developed another side effect after the ones I mentioned above disapeared. When I forget to take my medication I get vertigo immediately after I miss my dose and often I get massive headaches.

I am going to try using smaller doses. Break a 20 mg up into 4-5 pieces perhaps. Also I think use it less often. A "special occaision" thing.

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