Keytruda (pembrolizumab) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Keytruda (pembrolizumab)

I was diagnosed with NSCLC in spring of 2017 and only treatment I got was Keytruda every 3 weeks for 2 years. Now I am still NO EVIDENCE OF DISEASE after 7 years from diagnosis. Saved my life. Basically no bad side effects.

Vomiting, falling, severe life threatening constipation, extreme weakness, rash..

My husband took 2 doses of this drug and the side effects ended up killing him months before the disease would have

KEYTRUDA (PEMBROLIZUMAB): Pembrolizumab is used to treat cancer. It works by changing the action of your own immune system, directing it to attack cancer cells. Pembrolizumab belongs to a class of drugs known as monoclonal antibodies. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I failed to mention in the earlier comments that I also had a very fast heart rate of 125 and my BP went to 171/97.

Some vaginal burning, white cheesy discharge, green/brown discharge on the last day and the day after treatment completion (5 day treatment), anal itching and subsequent hemorrhoid (went away after one day of topical treatment), abdominal pain and discomfort, diarrhea and gas.

Works brilliantly for me.i persisted with the med while talking with neuro to find a safe dose to cover the seizures and have noticed an improvement in all of the listed side effects. either that, or i am so used to life now with teg!! it was either take the drug or hand over my drivers license then and there. i was diagnosed with ep at age 29- with 5 seiz in one day, and was very worried about taking a daily drug for the rest of my life. i now have complete seizure control. i have noticed a positive improvement in the severity and frequency of my hormonal migraines too.Overall, side effects worth it to have my life as i knew it.

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First time taking Claritan-D - I kept waking up all night and woke up feeling jittery and anxious. Only took one pill and won't be taking anymore.