Ketamine hydrochloride (ketamine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Ketamine hydrochloride (ketamine hydrochloride)

I did one ketamine infusion and it triggered a MAJOR mania that isn't subsiding

Be careful and make sure you have Support

I did one ketamine infusion and it triggered a MAJOR mania that isn't subsiding

Be careful and make sure you have Support

hallucinated and felt emotionally dependant..could not stand to be left alone, it was frightning.. when they first started giving me the IV i stopped breathing n could not respond to the nurse eyes were open but i could not move n thought i was dying.The nurse called on the phone to the right of me, by my bed, and she was saying" she's not breathing, she cant speak, but her eyes r open" She was decribing me and i heard every word but was frozen. It was hell ..i finally spoke and my first words were " Am i dying? " Even days later, after i was sent home, i would close my eyes n see specks of light flashing and would see arial views of towns like i was tripping. it was hell. I had an actual nerve injury and tripping on Ketamine did not help me in any way ...

please do your research ...this was one of the most frightening experiences of any of my treatments, if the dr told me what to expect i would not have been as afraid ...however if i had to do it again now that it is over i would NEVER CONSIDER GOING NEAR KETAMINE EVER AGAIN IN ANY FORM OR DOSE

My daughter was given ketamine during a surgery to remove a nuss bar following pectus repair. She had horrible hallucinations for several hours following. Her screams disturbed the entire floor of the hospital. She was speaking about her sister and family being tortured and would end with horrifying screaming and then appear to pass out. It happened again and again and again for several hours. Needless to say, it was tough on all of us. That surgery was about 10 months ago. Since then, she has had 3 "flashbacks". Although not nearly as severe, she feels everything is unreal, feels overwhelmed and anxious and emotionally distraught.

Ketamine infusion worked great on me. The infusion is extremely pleasurable.

Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD)

My initial infusion in ICU was a 7day continual intravenously. I had severe hallucinations, nausea, anxiety, fever, etc.... Then came in every 3mths for a 2day (4hrs daily) booster. My leg immediately warmed up, and the pain eased up. Which for anyone with RSD, any little bit of easing of pain is GLORIOUS!!! Will continue to do ketamine for treating my RSD.

Make sure your Dr dose not try and talk you into taking it- it isnt necessary, its just to cover his ass, at your comfort.

Side Effects forketamine hydrochloride (ketamine hydrochloride) - User Comments


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besides the side effects the drug got me through a very tough time in my life.

rash, weakness, headache, dizzyness, extreme confusion, sense of doom, swelling, extreme lethargy, aches and pains, cloudy vision, even more!

Weight gain/Tremors/Restless leg

I've been on this before without any noticable effect on my state of mind; now given a higher dose (45 mg) since I have severe insomnia as well as a sad and depressed feeling. However, I really don't like the extreme hunger and have relapsed into binging after 10 years without such symptoms. I don't find it any easier to fall asleep than before, but I sleep really long and don't care to get out of bed. I seem to care less about life's issues and have trouble thinking (which could be connected to the fact that I was given gabapenthine as well). These symptoms would indeed keep me depressed so I would rather be without this medicine!

Aciphex definitely relieved the reflux and indigestion. However, I now have headaches, very dry mouth at night as well as leg cramps. There is also shortness of breath and bloating.

I was misdiagnosed as for several years -- was in remission for 10 years. The condition was properly identified when it returned 3 weeks ago. Treatment: short term prednisone and Imitrex (for onsets). I have had onsets 1x daily for the past 3 weeks. All but one were completely aborted within 10 minutes of taking 1 Imitex 100 mg tab immediately after

The only thing good about keppra is that at stop my seizures. But the side effects are far worse then the seizures in my opinion. I'm depressed all the time very emotional severe anger problems for no reason,don't want to be around anybody don't want to do anything but sleep. I used to make time to play with my kids everyday, now I barely play with them at all all I want to do is sit on the couch like a zombie... I hate being honest medicine I don't feel like the same personI don't even know who I am anymore let alone my family and friends I don't recommend anybody taken keppra. I hope to be off at soon and get my life back to where I was and feel happy again

Loved this medication except for the one side effect. I'm a woman and my hair is very important in making me feel good. Too bad diovan had this side effect because it was great in every other way!!!

I had bronchitis before a few years ago. And took antibiotics for it. For me antibiotics knocked the bronchits out faster. But long term side effects of antibiotics are not good. Predisone did help me get over bronchits symptoms. And I have no long term side effects. So all in all Predisone does work I just did not like the short term side effects.

autoimmunes,fibro,back shot....