Keppra xr (levetiracetam) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Keppra xr (levetiracetam)

Anger issues but it controls me from having grand Mal seizures

I get angry at a drop of a dime

depression, anxiety, panic attacks, ringing in ears,

1 seizure since starting keppra XR

When I started it, I felt really sluggish and tired for a few days, but other than that, I didn't notice anything.

I'm pretty sure I might be a statistical outlier, but it has not had any effect whatsoever. My neurologist added Vimpat about a month ago, but I still have not noticed any change. If it wasn't for the side effects of both medications, I could've been taking sugar pills and I wouldn't have been any the wiser.

JME Juvenile Myoclonic Seizures

Switched from Depakote to Keppra XR and felt a total 180- like a person not sedated on drugs. It was amazing! Instantly too. Since I am not sedated anymore I have had to deal with anxiety that was an underlying problem, but not side effect. But, have had no issues or grand mal seizures since I started the RX, and it is more baby-friendly than Depakote.

KEPPRA XR (LEVETIRACETAM): Levetiracetam is used with other medications to treat seizures (epilepsy). It belongs to a class of drugs known as anticonvulsants. Levetiracetam may decrease the number of seizures you have. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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