Kelnor (ethinyl estradiol; ethynodiol diacetate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Kelnor (ethinyl estradiol; ethynodiol diacetate)

Nausea, no sex drive, mood swings, exhausted

If I had to take this for birth control I would NOT TAKE IT!

Decreased sex drive and breast tenderness as side effects

Side Effects forkelnor (ethinyl estradiol; ethynodiol diacetate) - User Comments


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I took lexapro prescribed by a psychiatrist for anxiety/depression for 1.5 months at "small doses"...It has been 2 months since I've stopped and I STILL experience cognitive/speaking problems(think of people who stutter, slur,and can't speak clearly/eloquently who you think are brain damaged), incessant grinding/clenching of the teeth and biting of the lips/cheeks( again think of brain damage causing involuntary movements that make you look retarded), and horrible insomnia/waking up with rapid/short breathing....This continues to persist after 2 months of stopping..Lexapro will STAY in your body long after you stop your last can FEEL it continuing to stay in your brain and body...I'm speaking from personal experience...I believe lexapro causes subtle/overt brain damage and its beyond belief that its allowed to be given to the public.....if you'd like to experience the side effects mentioned on the left without knowing if it will ever eventually stop, two months af

Greatest feeling as it has virtually eliminated daily headaches and I have had no evidence of repeat strokes. I now work out for an hour, 3x week and last BP reading was 95/54.

Break through bleeding, but no period. I've been to my gyno twice to get a pregnancy test and probably have taken 10 others at home. Very stressful.

As the FDA states, probably should only be used in tertiary states of pallative care of cancer.... I was pleased with the level of pain relief and the versatility of the drug, but I'm now looking at at least a 5K dental bill [email protected]

Took for about 2 weeks. Controlled my blood pressure fine, but then noticed the swelling after my wife mentioned my hands looked strange. My usually skinny ankles were suddenly twice their normal size. Went to Dr. ASAP and changed to different med.

Works very well for pain, have never had any seizures from it.

Weight gain, only slight decrease in acne, lighter periods

Taken it 4 times now. Each time seems different not sure why.

Doesn't work, headaches, hungry, no concentration, tiredness, quivering.

weight gain is almost 100 pounds