Kaletra (lopinavir; ritonavir) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Kaletra (lopinavir; ritonavir)

part of combination that results in diarrhea, controlled by otc immodium

works well in combination. counts are great.

I've been taking for about 1 year and my counts are great

KALETRA (LOPINAVIR; RITONAVIR): This combination product contains two medications: lopinavir and ritonavir. This product is used with other HIV medications to help control HIV infection. It helps to decrease the amount of HIV in your body so your immune system can work better. This lowers your chance of getting HIV complications (such as new infections, cancer) and improves your quality of life. Both lopinavir and ritonavir belong to a class of drugs known as HIV protease inhibitors. Ritonavir increases ("boosts") the levels of lopinavir. This helps lopinavir work better. Lopinavir/ritonavir is not a cure for HIV infection. To decrease your risk of spreading HIV disease to others, do all of the following: (1) continue to take all HIV medications exactly as prescribed by your doctor, (2) always use an effective barrier method (latex or polyurethane condoms/dental dams) during all sexual activity, and (3) do not share personal items (such as needles/syringes, toothbrushes, and razors) that may have contacted blood or other body fluids. Consult your doctor or pharmacist for more details. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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disassociation, agoraphobia, inability to process information and to do simple every day tasks without thinking too hard; short term memory loss; irritability; disorientation; worsening of OCD and that's only a few!

AWFUL!NEVER AGAIN...had it prescribed 2 yrs ago with first UTI since 25 yrs ago then started to be chronic & switched antibiotics...had forgotten how bad this one was!

Whole side of my face went completely numb as if I was having a tooth out at the dentist

as i reread the side affects i see over the years it could have been singulair all a long. fevers only that last over night,nightmares, stomach aches, headaches.since age 4 he has had Pneumonia 5 times.until this past february he has been seeing the same doctor since birth. we will talk to the new doctor in two weeks.he has been taking singular since age 3 and is now 11 1/2 years old. the past doctor would not let us stop it but i have stopped in on/off until he gets the signs of getting a cold.his asthma seens to be weather related/ high temperature/mold.today i talked to the pharmacy and they said the image could be hallucinations but he has not had any one have any problems with singulair. that we could try stopping it let it get out of his system and just start back with half a pill.we decided to stop and seek info from the new doctor.

Weight gain, body deformation- it killed the muscle where they gave me the injection and caused a permanent dent on the side of my hip, i have a history of clots and it can kill you, the doctor was aware and prescribed it anyway. the worst side affect is that it completely destroyed my hormone balance and caused a horrible rash that i have been suffering from for almost 2 years and going... i was on 9 months and now off for 1 1/2 years and the rash is not going away. it has been a living hell!