Kadcyla (ado-trastuzumab emtansine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Kadcyla (ado-trastuzumab emtansine)

Stomach pain, bladder infections, fatigue, problems sleeping, bleeding gums, runny nose, dry eyes, headaches, constipation, swelling, weight gain, anxiousness, digestive issues, muscle pain, joint pain, itchiness, under arm needle like pain, brittle nails, exercise fatigue, low grade fever

Kadcyla, as with all chemos is hard, but compared to the combination of docetaxel, carboplantin, herception, and perjta, it is a lot easier to endure. My dosage was immediately reduced from 200mg to 160mg after first dose because The side effects were too intense for me. The side effects are intense at first and then after 4 day increments it becomes easier. As each dose is given it is taking a little longer to start feeling better. Although my liver enzymes are in normal range they are creeping up to the high side of normal by 10 dose.

It has been so much better and easier than any other chemo that I have taken. Definitely recommend it.

HER2 Breast Cancer Maint Drug

Very tired the next 4-5 days after treatment

Looking to see if anyone has symptoms months after taking

Nausea the following day after administration

KADCYLA (ADO-TRASTUZUMAB EMTANSINE): Ado-trastuzumab emtansine is used alone to treat certain types of breast cancer. This medication is used to treat tumors that produce more than the normal amount of a certain substance called HER2 protein. This medication is called a monoclonal antibody and microtubule inhibitor conjugate. Ado-trastuzumab emtansine works by attaching to the HER2 cancer cells and blocking them from dividing and growing. It may also destroy the cancer cells or signal the body (immune system) to destroy the cancer cells. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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For the first 3 years it seemed fine and not to many side effects. However I think they changed it as its been recalled at least 3 times that I know of. I can't take it anymore as I get confused and my throat and glands swell up with pain and sometimes a sore throat as well. My hearing also seems to get bad while taking it. I'm not going to take it again as im going to try allergy med with my albuterol for breathing.The horrible side effects are not worth it. From what I have read it takes at least 5 days for this to clear your system and even then u may still get some side effects for quite sometime later.

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