Jardiance (empagliflozin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Jardiance (empagliflozin)

At first a bit of tiredness and nausea, slight. I have been a poor nervous sleeper for years so getting tired was good for me.

I am sleeping better on this and losing. Love it! I kind of tested it at first, ate a lot, ate stupid stuff, ate too much. I only gained maybe 2-3 lbs. When I just ate normal, good food, 2 -3 meals per day and did not overeat, I started to lose weight. Skip the sugary stuff, be lowish carb or you will get some serious indigestion.One reason I started taking this was because regular dieting was just not working anymore. I am eating the way I did when I was younger and now with the jardiance, it is working.

I'm no longer taking this medication. My blood calcium levels rose to dangerously high levels but dropped back down when I stopped taking it.

This drug paralyzed my body. It is horrible.

2 months after starting I developed hot flushes which continued to worsen over the 12 months until it became unbearable and severely disrupted my sleep. Even after stopping side effects did not improve. My gynaecologist said, as I was postmenopausal for many years, I am unable to reproduce enough oestrogen to build levels up again. So now I have endometriosis and andemyosis from the HRT which has still not settled my hot flushes

The GP put me on too high a dose causing extremely low BP leading to falls which led to tearing both rotacuffs and a fractured toe. Doctors should have to complete a course on new medication before they presrcibe

diabetes and high blood pressure

Jardiance caused tinglings and sore muscles .

Prescribed by My Endocrinologist

I Am Telling My Endocrinologist To Switch Me Back To Invocana, Your Commercials With The Fat Slob Singiing Woman Makes Me Sick, It Disgusts Me! You Have Some Idiots Directing You To Repulse People! I Really Have No Use For Your Idiocracy! Good Luck!

Dizziness, almost vomit when sudden stops in car, have to sit down a lot. Also take Brilinta and that is garbage too. These doctors get kickbacks for prescribing medicines.

A1c went from 9.7 to 6 lost 35 lbs

If you were prescribed januvia with jardiance, januvia caused me almost to not walk severe joint pain. Once i stopped the januvia that went away. Jardiance has been a god send for me.

None januvia prescribed with jardiance on other hand caused joint pain loss of strength but jardiance has been a godsend

On going yeast infections - genital. More than 3 years. Continual occurrence. Have now ceased taking it for 3 weeks. Problem has gone.

Cataracts. Severe toe infection, raised A1C

I feel since January 2023 that the formula must have changed. I have had multiple yeast infections and urinary tract infections.I also know of 3 other patients with the same problem.

I have had to stop taking this medicine.

This drug significantly increased my urination frequency. Very easy to become dehydrated. But, because of volume depletion through urination, it lowered my blood pressure significantly enough so that I was able to discontinue one of my blood pressure meds. Had weight loss of 6 lbs. I think this was mostly due to water weight. Haven't had a1c check yet.

Horrible lethargy and nausea. I only took one dose and felt shaky and lethargic. A few hours later, I threw up several times. Couldn't keep any food or drink down.

I was suspicious of this drug, but felt pressured by my cardiologist to take it. I should have listened to my own voice and not taken it. Thankfully, it was only one dose. I hope it didn't cause any permanent damage.

Joint, muscle pain. Fatigue. Frequent urination. Problems sleeping. Headaches. So far not so good. Thinking about stopping.

Kidneys totally shut down. I was fortunate that my kidneys responded back to normal function based upon my age per my nephrologist.

So far, so good. Definitely increases urination frequency. Had a low blood sugar issue when I began the med, while switching from glimiperide to Jardiance. We will see what happens in April when I test my A1C. Stay tuned...

Definitely helps lower sugar, curb appetite. I had no real side effects initially. Then month 6-7 I had really achy joints and genital itching worse than any yeast infection I have ever experienced. I had to stop taking to solely because of that. Itching has eased up and is almost gone. I wish I had been able to stay on it. It seemed fairly effective otherwise.

Additionally my cost with insurance until I meet my deductible is $560. So it is very expensive depending on the time of year and type of insurance you may have.

Can feel dizzy at times, especially when it's very warm out and playing golf. No other side effects noticed. Lowered A1C initially (with Metformin), however, over the last year it's no longer having the desired affect. My doc suggested Rybelsus...we'll see.

Dizzy, Lethargic, Vision Issues, Stomach Pain, Nausea, almost passed out in the store I had to sit down anywhere quickly. Driving Hazzard !!!!!!!!!!!

JARDIANCE (EMPAGLIFLOZIN): Empagliflozin is used with a proper diet and exercise program to control high blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes. Controlling high blood sugar helps prevent kidney damage, blindness, nerve problems, loss of limbs, and sexual function problems. Empagliflozin is also used in patients with type 2 diabetes and heart disease to lower the risk of death from heart attack or stroke. Empagliflozin works by increasing the removal of sugar by your kidneys. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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1 st day was fine-2x 250mg2nd day felt dizzy and nauseous after morning dose,

Bloating, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, skin itching, vaginal pains, upset stomach, no appetite, numbness and tingling in limbs, joint pain, abdominal pain, vomiting and chest pains.

My anxiety has increased. a little bit of insomnia, some constipation.

I will never take this again. I would rather have the migraine than be sick to my stomach for 3 plus days.

Very few. Mild insomnia, some lack of appetite - but WAY better than the awful allergy symptoms I had.


I've been on much worse pills! My periods are rarely painful now and I pretty much forget I'm on it. The crying thing is a bit annoying though.

I had a back strain/sprain, so the effort of passing a BM was quite painful. I'm not sure if I was actually constipated per se, but my stool was definitely not soft, and it was very difficult to muster up enough strength to do the deed without causing severe back pain & spasms (which makes it very hard to relax the sphincter). So I decided to try Miralax. The next day I passed with little effort, so I'm satisfied with the results.As for the people advocating "natural remedies," keep in mind that most illegal drugs and many poisons are natural too -- doesn't make them safe or healthy. People may be hypersensitive to polyethelene glycol, but others are allergic to penicillin (which is produced by the "natural" penicillium fungus). Nature doesn't set out to create remedies; natural substances simply happen to work for certain purposes from time to time. To avoid something simply because it's man-made is needlessly limiting one's options.

Miracle drug except the weight gain the firstsix months but now I have no symtoms of schizophreniaand I am living a productive life and If you can get throughthe initial adjustment phase

Tired all time can't think straight, memory loss feel dizzy