Jakafi (ruxolitinib phosphate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Jakafi (ruxolitinib phosphate)

Weight gain, bruising, eye hematomas

No noticeable benefit from Jakarta and I paid over $3000 for 2 months of pills

Dry mouth some dizziness mild weight loss

Much easier to tolerate than Hydroxyurea

JAKAFI (RUXOLITINIB PHOSPHATE): This medication is used to treat certain bone marrow disorders (myelofibrosis, polycythemia vera). It works by blocking your body from producing substances called growth factors. Growth factors cause cells to grow and divide, and cause the blood cell and spleen problems found in these disorders. Ruxolitinib belongs to a class of drugs known as JAK inhibitors. Though not a cure for these disorders, ruxolitinib may help with some of the symptoms, including abdominal discomfort, pain under left ribs, early feelings of fullness from meals, night sweats, itching, and bone/muscle pain. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Prozac helped me very much. I have gone from completely mentally unstable to a normal, healthy mental state. 10 mg did absolutely nothing. 20 mg had no effect whatsoever. 40 mg had some effect. 60 mg did the trick. It was the perfect amount for me. I am a very small framed guy (115), but I apparently needed a very high dosage.

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This is part of my new cocktail. The other med added at the same time was Wellbutrin, so I am not sure which side effects belong with which med. I have been on 300mg Lamictal forever; love it. Used Seroquel for sleep. The reason I am now taking Topamax is for the weight loss and/or libido increase benefits (same goes for the Wellbutrin). Dumped the Seroquel and halved the Cymbalta to 60mg as my weight hasn't moved in 4 months even tho' I eat like a rabbit. We'll see how this goes...so far, so good...one week down, and the side effects are not unbearable as yet. I definitely eat less, which is great! I do not care for the "dumbed down" feeling, however.

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I get hormonal migraines, and Topamax has made a world of difference for me! I used to get severe migraines, and now I might get one once every other month, and they're less intense. The biggest issue I have now is the insomnia. I take 100 mg in the a.m. to avoid sleeping issues, which has worked for over a year. But due to increased headaches my doctor just increased the dose by 25 mg which I have to take in the afternoon, and now I'm averaging 3 hours sleep a night... other than that, I love Topamax!

Seizures were serious. No previous history

Very, Very dangerous drug. I do not know why it is still on the market.

Besides the restlessness and anxiety, I experienced very unusual symptoms including a locked jaw and involuntary movements of my tongue. The first symptoms after taking this drug were subtle. I felt restless and tired at the same time. My mind was out of control, though I sensed my body was exhausted, my brain remained restless and would not allow me to sleep or rest. At this point, I didn't make the connection between these symptoms and the drug. A day or two go by and I was still taking the medication, until I realized my tongue was slightly arched toward my throat beyond my control. Still, I thought nothing of it and hoped it was just my imagination. Eventually it got to the point where it made my breathing difficult and my jaw started to act up as well. My jaw would open, again involuntarily, to the