Ivermectin (ivermectin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Ivermectin (ivermectin)

I've had chronic pain for 10 months from an accident with a commercial truck. I started ivermectin to help combat mites and notices my first pain free day after the first dose. I did not realize it helps with inflammation. I also take methocarbamol, cbd and thc nightly to help the pain.

Had Covid in January 2022.. Took the Ivermectin according to protocol..5 days I woke up and all symptoms gone.

On about day 7 of being quite ill I lost my sense of smell for 2 days. Then smelled and tasted only gasoline and rotting flesh. Took Ivermectin on day 10: day 11 I was way better (had had a very mucousy cough which improved and the gasoline smell was gone. Very tired for several days but all other symptoms were gone. Awesome drug!

I felt some little improvement in hours. I would have been much worse without it. I did get tired and needed to take it with food, not just coffee

Miracle drug for Covid 19Crying shame our government is so crooked and selfish. Mainly Fauchi and Gates!

Covid came on like a beast, my sinuses & throat were on fire and I had a terrible headache.I started Ivermectin on the second day of covid. Literally within a few hours I felt an improvement. Didn't knock it out completely, the virus regroups and comes back for additional assaults.BUT each time I took Ivermectin I felt it getting better.Over the course of a few days, Ivermectin "won".

I did not notice any side effects, but I was pretty sick at the time.

I truly think Ivermectin saved my life. I was 69 years old and diabetic with double pneumonia when I went to the hospital. I had taken the Ivermectin on the 4 days preceding going into the hospital. I only had to spend 5 days in hospital. Miracle drug. Many lives could have been saved if the Pharma giants had not assaulted this drug so hard.

I did not notice any side effects, but within about 5 hours I noticed marked improvement in my COVID.

Did not notice any side effects.

Ivermectin treats for parasites. Am currently using it to treat babesiosis, which has been resistant to mepron. It is effective for babesiosis.

It works! No need to fear covid.

No negative side effects. It just helped me feel better

IVERMECTIN (IVERMECTIN): This medication is used to treat certain parasitic roundworm infections. Curing parasitic infections helps to improve your quality of life. In people with weakened defense (immune) systems, curing roundworm infections can reduce the risk of developing a severe or life-threatening infection. Ivermectin belongs to a class of drugs known as antihelmintics. It works by paralyzing and killing parasites. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I am taking this drug due to Vertebrobasiler Migraines. If I didn't have this pill I don't know what I'd do! This is a miracle drug for me. I am going in for my checkup in April. For me the side effects are worth being able to live a normal life.

Funny part is, it stopped the infection in its tracks. But now half way through, I can't finish them, because I can't live like this! So now I have to start a whole new antibiotic regimine to make sure the infection is completely gone.

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Severe joint and muscle pain. Every joint. Stairs difficult, getting up from a stooped position or sitting position. Severe chest pain.

I was pretty nervouse taking this after all the horror stories. I am still really scared, but I dont know what else to take. Is this drug really that bad?? How do you find these things out.

I started with ortho tri-cyclen two years ago. It works perfect for me. Before taking it I had painful menstruation, but now my life is easier. One year ago I switched to tri-cyclen lo since my doctor suggested it to me. No side effects until now, but maybe dry eyes since recently i found a little bit harder to wear my contacts. The greatest thing of tri-cyclen lo is making my skin clear and smooth, my husband likes it too.

This is the most amazing migraine med I have ever taken. It usually works for me within 1/2 hour. What I especially like is that most of the time, not only does it get rid of the migraine, but I am able to function well and continue with my day,

Sever psychosis/anxiety. This is the second time I have received this medication and both times it has caused me horrible side effects. I believe this med should be absolutely banned and they should warn you about the side effects of this medicine! It has been over 24 hours and I am still feeling the effects. The first time I received the medicine I ripped out my IV and ran out of the ER, second time it was given through a shot and I had to leave.

I'm not saying that these will happen to everyone that tries this hormone, but if I put myself in someone's position that is considering Seasonique, and I had a choice as to whether to even chance it, I would just try another kind. This was a real life nightmare, and I never want to go through anything like this stuff made me go through again.

Was prescribed 3x75mg per day for moderate to severe pain from compressed nerves c4-c7, post-fusion c5-c7, radicular neuropathy in left shoulder/arm/hand. This drug immediately relieved the pain from compressed/damaged nerve roots c6-c7 but caused extreme confusion in morning and fuddled-ness all day for first 2 weeks. Was only able to tolerate 75 mg/day at first, then raised it to 2x75. This caused peripheral edema, sore lower legs and feet, constipation, and possibly sad mood and loss of libido. Have tried up to 3x75mg to relieve pain which at time "swamps" pain-relief from this drug percocet valium. From the beginning, seem to have developed asthma and shortness of breath. Didn't suspect Lyrica's role until noticed chest pain and severe shortness of breath at 3x75mg per day. Have decided to taper off and quit, as the breathing problems are serious enough to where my pain doctor wants me to see a pulmonary doctor.