Isosorbide mononitrate (isosorbide mononitrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Isosorbide mononitrate (isosorbide mononitrate)

I'm no longer taking this medication.

I would never take thus medication again .if I have an attack I use my Nitrate spray .

Cardiac blockage/high blood pressur

Weight gain, arm pain and headaches

Feel alright In the morning but as day progresses neck pain begins and worsens to unbearable level. Left side of neck down to shoulder.

Don't like it made my heart race & im nauseas & nervous

Been 5 days and still getting severe headaches

Weight gain and arm and chest pain

I's rather take the meds and help my heart but the headache/migraine that comes with it is sometimes unbearable.

Extreme weight gainJoint painBad headacheVision problems

I wouldn't take it unless you necessarily have to

Mild continuous headache, Rebound effect early on

Angina attack severe and frequent 10 to 11 hours after taking; went away after about two weeks.

Swollen legs,tingling in both hands and very bad weight gain. Have stopped taking it.

Severe neck and shoulder pain, nightmares, weight gain, insomnia, depression

African woman I will never take this again. It did not lower my blood pressure significantly. Most time 135/75 with pulse 80. I need my bp less than 120/80 to feel good.

something akin to headache or lightheaded or head rush; POSSIBLE neck/shoulder cramping (as if I had slept on the wrong side)

LOVE it! Can't wait to take it in the AM to get its effects of reducing pain on left side. It did take several days or more to go into effect.

This medication gives me headaches.

I take this ISOSORBIDE MONONITRATE ER 30 MG twice a day. One in the morning and one in the evening before bed. It does lower my B/P, but gives me bad headaches. I take prescription Ibuprofen 800 MG for the pain and it says I can take one every eight hours. Sometimes I only need to take one.

Have had a bad headache that doesn't go away. Going to try acetaminophen which says to take two ever four hours and no more than eight in a twenty four hour period and no longer then eight days. Hope this helps.

Also have a stiff sore neck which is worse on the back right side of my and down into my shoulder. It is helping with my b/p which was 212/110. It's now lower. Also taking Clonidine HCL 0.2 mg twice a day. Can somebody tell me how long the headaches last and what you do about them? Thanks!

ISOSORBIDE MONONITRATE (ISOSORBIDE MONONITRATE): Isosorbide mononitrate is used to prevent chest pain (angina) in patients with a certain heart condition (coronary artery disease). This medication belongs to a class of drugs known as nitrates. It works by relaxing and widening blood vessels so blood can flow more easily to the heart. This medication will not relieve chest pain once it occurs. Also, it is not intended to be taken just before physical activities (such as exercise or sexual intercourse) to prevent chest pain. Other medications may be prescribed by your doctor for these conditions. Consult your doctor for more details. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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first week or so: extreme tiredness and slight dizziness for a few hours after taking. moderate to severe nausea almost all day. extremely hard to pay attention, spacing out a lot when people are talking to me. however, mood-wise i felt much happier almost immediately. long term: eye rolling (i have pre-existing tourettes syndrome, which may have something to do with it), rather easily distracted, lost 10-15 lbs, highly increased libido (probably due to feeling better mentally), extremely vivid dreams, sometimes have extreme insomnia but sometimes will fall asleep within seconds of lying down, nausea unless extremely hungry, much more ambition, and the urge to get out and live (i am moving within the next year because i am just not satisfied in my hometown anymore, probably also to do with getting better). i have never experienced "the rash", thankfully. for reference: i am extremely easily affected by all medications, so i started treatment on only 25mg once at night, then a

None itching urinary tract of disorders

Sleepiness at first, but not anymore.