Isosorbide dinitrate (isosorbide dinitrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Isosorbide dinitrate (isosorbide dinitrate)

Sluggish, slightly confused, tired

ISOSORBIDE DINITRATE (ISOSORBIDE DINITRATE): Isosorbide dinitrate is used to prevent chest pain (angina) in patients with a certain heart condition (coronary artery disease). This medication belongs to a class of drugs known as nitrates. It works by relaxing and widening blood vessels so blood can flow more easily to the heart. This medication will not relieve chest pain once it occurs. It is also not intended to be taken just before physical activities (such as exercise, sexual activity) to prevent chest pain. Other medications may be needed in these situations. Consult your doctor for more details. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I am not sure if this is attributable to Lunesta but I have gained about 5-7 lbs in the past month.Nothing as far as my diet or physical habits have changed. I am thinking it may be gas. I can clearly see my stomach is bloated, I have never seen my stomach so big. It seems as if the weight gained is in my stomach. Many times I have gas, sometimes I am constipated, and other times I have an upset stomach. Has anyone had similar side effects? Besides that it worked, most of the nights. It usually hit me after an hour though.Thanks

I went to Emergency Room after the 4th pill due to side effects, I still feel abdominal pain after 1 month of discontinuation and became intolerant to foods I loved, it's possible this drug induced me IBS, pending diagnosis.

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Blurred vision, sensitivity to light. Urinating problems.

Extreme tiredness. Messed up taste buds. Vivid dreams. Extreme anger and agitation. Gas & heartburn.

dry mouth- drink lots of water now. decreased appetite. For the first 3 days I raced around my house cleaning everything in sight. I've never been diagnosed with OCD but I swear this drug brought it out in me, I had almost to much energy. Vivid dreams. But just after a week or so I'm in a terrible mood, I'm irritable, have frequent crying spells, tired, withdrawn, I can't get my thoughts together to even communicate to my husband as to why I'm so upset. I've heard this is normal, I've heard it is not. I need some advice. Also, my doctor told me I could take WB XL 150 in the morning or at night, because of my past experiences with meds (bad ones) I always took them at night, so I take my WB XL at night. Is there any advantage to me taking this med in the morning as opposed to night? Also, my doc. gave me 1mg of kolonopin if I need to take it, I usually take one at night to help me sleep w/ the wellbutrin xl 150. Is this combination bad? Anyone ever had any issues with this combo?

I took this to try to help me stop having episodes of syncope. I was passing out nearly 3 times a day. Unfortunately this drug wasn't enough to stop it and I had to get a pacemaker. Since the pacemaker I don't pass out. I still take the poamatine though. So the two together seem to work. If your doc talks about getting a pacemaker I wouldn't avoid it, just get it, I feel so much better with it.

Lamictal has been a great help to me! After months of trying different SSRI's, only to be pushed into hypomanic episodes time after time (in between depressive periods) this mood stabilizer was prescribed to me by my psychiatrist. I no longer have sleepless nights, or the need to be constantly moving! Most importantly, (I'm not up to a full dose yet) but I have been so much less depressed and anxious lately. Great medicine!

Mystery ailment accompanied by palpitations, numbness in extremities, dizziness and b/p shooting through roof. Docs pushed anti-anxieties. NOPE. Inderal brought my b/p down from 180/120 to breathing properly again region. Gave me my life back which I didn't know slipped away. Benefits far out way the side effects w/ this med for me!

Swollen, painful joints. Rash. Nausea.