Ipratropium bromide (ipratropium bromide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Ipratropium bromide (ipratropium bromide)

dizziness, a little nausea, dry nose, not serious enough to stop using it.

Helped my symptoms from the first use. I tried EVERY nasal spray out there but I always suffered from a post nasal drip and severe congestion and I was miserable. This is the first one that actually cleared up my nose. I got to stop taking my Stahist (which was making me very anxious and giving me insomnia) because this adequately relieved my symptoms!

IPRATROPIUM BROMIDE (IPRATROPIUM BROMIDE): Ipratropium is used to treat a runny nose caused by the common cold or seasonal allergies. It works by reducing the amount of fluid/mucus released from inside your nose. This medication does not relieve symptoms of stuffy nose or sneezing. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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The lunesta works if taken properly. Always maintain a proper dietwith plenty of exercise; never eat a hearty-meal four-hours prior tobedtime; drink plenty of water through-out the day; avoid socialdistractions and negative people at all times; take-up gardening and enjoy the butterflies and birds while the plants are blooming.

Increase in migraines that can only be treated by migraine medication. Other side effects are increase in appetite, fatigue, and almost a complete loss of sexual appetite.

This is by far the worst BC I've been on. I've pretty much had a light period the ENTIRE time I've been on it. My mom actually sat me down and told me to call the doc to switch off because she was tired of me flipping out all the time. It's made me very depressed, I've often burst out crying for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Next week is my doc appt, cannot wait to get off this stuff.

Only on 4th day of first cycle (days 2-6).... I hope it's worth it!

I've taken Ortho Tri-Cyclen for roughly 10 years with no problems until I started spotting so now I'm on Ortho Cyclen. The Ortho brand is a very good pill overall. I'm in my third month and still spotting but it happened later in the cycle so I'm hoping next month I won't spot at all. To my knowledge, this is the strongest pill from this brand, and I do not want to change (tried Levora and it was horrible - I started breaking out within the first month and stopped). I have never broken out from Ortho pills.

I have no energy. Hands tingle at times. I have moderate kidney failure and noticed that one of the warnings said to use extra caution with this med. Will ask my dr. about this today. Seems that drs. may not be aware of the side effects or they don't care. Hope it's not that. Hope I can find something else, maybe homeopathic.

I stayed a few days in the crisis rehab unit at the hospital, where I started taking Geodon. I'm not sure of the doseage, as I was too tired from insomnia to ask. I experienced nausea and drowsiness the first night. The second day, my doseage was increased, and during exercise time I could not maintain my balance. Later, my neck cramped up horribly, and my head was basically stuck on its side, all while I was in gut-wrenching pain. I was given adrenaline and benadryl to calm the cramping, but I blacked out before it could start working. When I awoke, I promptly threw up everything in my stomach. In the midst of all of this, the nurses were scared senseless that I was having a stroke, but it turned out to be the Geodon. I experienced one of the worst possible reactions to the drug. Needless to say, the medication was discontinued immediately.

Allergies nasal blockage at night

Worked up to taking 450mg/day, and I am glad I did. Been on that dose for about 6 months now. Dry mouth and thirst is a small price to pay considering the benefits for me. I have a marked decrease in suicidal thoughts, used to be nearly hourly and quite detailed, now just about a half dozen thoughts/day and those don't last but for a very brief period. Also taking Trazadone (150mg/night) to aid in maintaining W-XL effects and increase sleeping patterns, according to my psychologist sleep deprivation is a major contributor to depression and, after experiencing a few weeks of fairly good sleep I have to agree that deep sleep helped me a lot, so has counseling. I never thought of myself as the kind of guy who would gain anything from counseling, but if you are open and honest with a good psycotherapist, it really does help. Wellbutrin-XL or it's generic Budeprion XL may not be for everyone, but it has helped me.

Prozac has saved my life. I have gone off of it twice and both time ended up with a gun to my head. Thankgod I didn't pull the trigger! I will never go off of it again. Before I started on it I was alway mad and yelling, crying and just felt bad all the time. It took about a week to start making me feel better. Try it- you'll like it. PS. My husband just started taking it for depression and it has made a difference in him also-not always down about everything.