Intuniv (guanfacine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Intuniv (guanfacine hydrochloride)

Helped me somewhat and now am seeing some improvement.



Better thinking, smarter, calmer, amazing focus. All was everything i could have dreamed... BUT i started intensely hearing voices and music. My head wouldnt shut up. i hope it goes away, tablet shold be wearing off now.

would have been perfect had i not hallucinated.

My son is more like a zombie and his behaviours have increased. He is more irritable and sensitive. He is sleeping more.

Aggression, emotional dysregulation

My son was on this to try and manage his anger outbursts and emotionality. It has not helped. At all.

It certainly does help some people but perhaps my son has other things going on besides adhd that the intuniv isn't helping

None so far. We see an ADHD specialist, an MD, and was advised by him to take the Intuniv at night. It works great with the Focalin she takes in the morning

Exhaustion, depressed thoughts, zombie like state, lack of emotion, no drive to do anything, anxious, feel helpless and sad, chest pressure, headache, paranoia, agitation, out of body experience and any other non-positive effect you can imagine.

I had to give up on this medication. By far the worst thing I've put into my body. Typically I'm happy, outgoing, love interacting with people and interested in hobbies. To keep this short, just imagine the soul sucked out of your body on top of feeling weak, tired, slow to process information, confused, forgetful while experience dizziness and vertigo symptoms.

Weight gain, mood swings, hearing voices whispering, intense dizzy spells, lethargic and incredibly tired, insomnia.

This is the worst drug I've ever been prescribed. My specialist seemed unaware of side effects and said it wa last harmless. I gained 15lbs in less than 3 months. I have been a marathon runner many years so I'm extremely fit and have had a stable weight for 10 years. 2 days after I stopped cold turkey my appetite was back to normal, my energy returned and weight started dropping. Hideous drug.

Sleeping all the time, emotional, no appetite, not himself.

New side effect, fully potty trained almost 5 year old is wetting himself.

Helped at first, then debilitating depression, weight gain then suicidal thoughts which never in my life has that crossed my mind. Don’t take this drug, doc lied to me and said it didn’t cause weight gain, oh yes it does.

Listless, depressed, disturbing thoughts, insomnia, useless, sad, withdrawn from family and friends.

Never taking this again. Hope I feel back to my normal crazy self soon. 👍🏼

Disturbing thoughts, terrible depression, suicidal thoughts. Horrible drug! This is my last day on it, and I’m praying for the depression to go away.

Appetite increase, weight gain, complains of weird noises in his head, grumpy

I hate to bash any medication because I really feel that different meds work for different people and you should give it a chance. That being said, we had our 5 year old on a low dose of this med for aggressive tendencies and attention problems. Overall, we felt there were more cons than pros. We were told it is weight neutral but our son gained. He also seemed more depressed. It was not the right med for him.

Some lack of clarity and feeling listless.

I really think this medication is better for adults although I know it's commonly used for children. I have narcolepsy and fibromyalgia as well as anxiety and ADD, I take intuniv with my Adderall, it helps to reduce anxiety and general discomfort. I feel I can manage my feelings much better and I'm more rational rather than emotional. It's evened me out a lot.

Urination, bed wetting, enuresis, wetting pants, peeing on the floor.Doesn't improve behavior much.

Should not give intuniv to kids. Not very effective for children. Causes them to wet their pants or wet the bed. Creates more problems than it solves.

My son developed dry mouth, insomnia, seeing invisible things, hearing voices, depression and anxiety from taking intuniv

I just want those side effects to go. Having ADHD is better than what he is passing through right now.

Depression, suicidal idealations, nausea, crying spells

Was on strattera for a month. Taken off due to side effects. Put on ituniv first day mild depression. second days horrible psycological effects. I hope this gets better.. Ive never had a reaction this bad. I cant see myself lasting a month ( like my doc suggested) let alone a couple days. Has anyone else had this experiance?!

my son takes it for ADHD and ODD

my sons aggression and anger and is so disrespectful. He was off this past summer and there was no anger. No since August it has gotten so bad. He is making up horrible lies. He is also on Concerta maybe it's both. I am making an appt I am so scared

My son was on it for about two months during that time he started seeing things and hearing voices also never wanted to be alone his aggression got worse bad words and angry alot. This medicine made him worse. Now he is in hospital I told them take him off now. But they told me since the med is used also for blood pressure they might have to take him off slowly. But thank goodness that was not the case. Please don't put your child on this

INTUNIV (GUANFACINE HYDROCHLORIDE): This medication is used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), as part of a total treatment plan including psychological, educational, and social measures. Unlike other drugs used to treat ADHD, guanfacine is not a stimulant. The exact way that guanfacine works to treat ADHD is unknown. Guanfacine is thought to affect receptors in the parts of the brain that lead to strengthening working memory, reducing distraction, and improving attention and impulse control. Guanfacine may help lessen ADHD symptoms such as being disruptive, inattentive, hyperactive, impulsive, and arguing with adults or losing one's temper. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Has somewhat cleared up my skin in combination with three topical lotions i am using...however, if i don't take it as it was prescribed, i will get the breakouts. as far as the nausea and vomiting, they were awful. doctor told me to take it with food, although the directions from the meds itself said not to take it with food...but since taking it with food, i don't feel the nausea.

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Paxil definently helped with my anxiety, In general I felt 'calmer' inside and the panic attacks and overwhelming anxiety were less often.The down side is that after 8 years on Paxil I have gained more than 80 lbs. I've recognized for many years that Paxil was causing my weight gain, over active appetite and carb cravings, but with the Paxil I just wasn't stressed about it. In fact with Paxil, I wasn't stressed about much. I now recognize that feeling as apathy and believe it is a very real side effect of Paxil.I began tapering off Paxil about 3 weeks ago and have every negative withdrawal symptom already noted in the other reviews here. Terrible dreams, neausea, flu-like symptoms, wierd eye tracking problems, etc, etc. But I am convinced I need to get off this medication to bring my spirit back and care about myself again.

Started out at 300mg and had severe insomnia, dehydration, nervousness, weight loss (50 lbs since October '08), muscle loss, increased pulse. The weight loss was a great side effect, but now to the point where I need to stop. Have increased energy, but get tired quickly. When I first began taking it, had a stiff neck and teeth grinding, but that stopped after a few weeks. Feel nauseated in the morning, but could be from Ambien I take to sleep.

The medication did little or nothing for the depression. However, I became irritable and angry, and had severe headaches. I had vivid dreams that because more and more nightmareish the longer I was on the drug.

I don't know about the gum infection but I noticed a persistent ear infection was a little better on day 2; came back soon after stopping taking however. I would have liked to finish the course but I just couldn't face it.

WEIGHT GAIN, moodiness, lack of sexual drive, vaginal dryness during sex

Anxiety, panic attacks, mood swings, depression.

None really except there is a marked difference when you are having an anxiety attack or panic attack (the difference between the two are very defined and klonopin helps for both). If it does make me sleepy I have a cup of coffee or keep myself busy. If it doesn't make me sleepy and I take a nap I can feel it when I wake up!!