Innopran xl (propranolol hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Innopran xl (propranolol hydrochloride)

INNOPRAN XL (PROPRANOLOL HYDROCHLORIDE): This medication is a beta blocker used to treat high blood pressure. Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks and kidney problems. This drug works by blocking the action of certain natural chemicals in your body (such as epinephrine) that affect the heart and blood vessels. This results in a lowering of heart rate, blood pressure, and strain on the heart. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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severe anxiety, panic, depression, depersonalisation, derealization, delusional ideas, paranoia, insomnia

I developed severe back pain and a change in my menstral cycle- it is now 21 to 17 days between periods instead of 28.

If you live in a state that allows medical marijuana try it first. I was miserable before this medication now I'm more miserably and have no ability to function normally in society. I live with my parents now, when they are gone I'll be a vagrant and die on the streets. Paxil did nothing but give me more problems and make me permanently disabled. Don't say you weren't warned. It's a form of chemical lobotomy and in my case its permanent.

Aches, brain fog, made me feel awful

Shortness of breath, panic attack, anxiety, disorientation

It was prescribed prior to having AAA repair to decrease force of blood flow. Initially I was dizzy and a bit spacey. Doctor had me cut dose in half and have been on it ever since.

This medication was rushed through normal FDA trials without thought to patient outcomes. I am very discomforted to be treated as a Guinea Pig and in this case would not wish this on them either.

Increased Energy, able to wake up without snoozing the alarm 12 times. Able to keep off the couch and do busy work on the weekends and after work. more focused. I have to force myself to eat sometimes. Appetite up and down but really, could take it or leave it, only eat cause it tastes good sometimes.

Mild conjunctivitis, problems with memory and finding the right words to describe things, and my tongue just started getting really swollen today which is bloody annoying!

Initial dose of 50mg bid took effect in two days.Slept for 8 hours for the first time in years.At about the 4th week a major flair up of Fibro symptomspain and not sleeping well. Then started a slow rising dose increase adding one capsule am and pm on 4 day intervals, but when we got to the 100mg bid interval on day 2 crashed with the vertigo problems.So backed it down tapering schedue to 100mg pm only. still sleeping well and no pain symptoms except for what might be mild"normal?" age related aches...My job unfortuantely involves lots of bending and reaching and the vertio symptoms are a danger issue in my work. Hopefuly these will subside in time.