Ingrezza (valbenazine tosylate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Ingrezza (valbenazine tosylate)

Brain fog. Feeling of not being aware of the moment. Nausea enhanced.

After taking it for a few days my tardive stopped very fast, but after more than a year and six months I started having Parkinson's symptoms and if you take paxil with Ingrezza I was told you should only take the 40 mg of Ingrezza but I was taking 80 and they don't know if I switch to 40 mg if the Parkinson's symptoms will go away because I was on 80mg for so long.I am seeing a neurologist that is very good and I will try reducing the mg to 40 .they are not sure if I have the start of Parkinson's or if it is caused by the paxil and ingrezza, I'm hoping it's the meds.

Akathisia, worsening TD symptoms.

This seems like the drug industry's attempt to capitalize on an epidemic they created. How awful to make people who are already suffering suffer more. Terrible drug!

INGREZZA (VALBENAZINE TOSYLATE): Valbenazine is used to treat involuntary movements of the face, tongue, or other body parts (tardive dyskinesia). This medication is thought to work by decreasing the amount of certain natural substances in the brain that affect how your nerves and muscles work (monoamines such as dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

Total nightmare. This was arguably the worst period of time in my life. It made me so mentally ill I almost ended up in a psych ward. Stay away from this if you can!! I lost weight considerably and shook all the time. I had terrible anxiety the whole time, the worst kind of anxiety I've ever experienced. Also tardive diskenesia was becoming very prevalent. Tobacco cravings were rampant. I never felt at ease or comfortable, I was constantly on edge and wanted to cry. Please be careful if you are taking this.

CONSTANT spotting throughout every pack.. i was on it for TWO YEARS. this product did not work for me at all... my doctor said that i would get breakthrough bleeding during hte first couple packs, but it was enough to have to wear a tampon every day for about two years. I would not recommend this product at all. I'm now on Loestrin (4 months) which didn't make me gain weight, my acne went away, and I get a light period for about three days.. MUCH better

I have had brain surgery for an avm

Decreased libido, vaginal dryness, constant hunger, bloating, slight breakouts. This medicine has worked to prevent pregnancy because I no longer want to have sex with my husband, which probably shouldn't be normal for someone my age. The vaginal dryness is what makes sex so unemployable for me.

80 mg Lipitor alone did not work.

Ive been taking 80mg a day for about 6 weeks and the nausea hasn't gotten any better. So far I have not noticed any changes in ability to focus.

ortho tri cyclen is wonderful...I unfortunately have also tried Tri nessa and also had THE most horrible mood swings, angry outbursts for no reason, a 15 pound wieght gain (in amatter of 2 months), and depression sever enough to almost be hospitalized(Thank God I have a great Dr.) Ortho Tri Cyclen is wonderful, I have had no problems with it AT ALL. But Ladies, please don't ever ever ever get on Tri Nessa, it's almost a death wish waiting to happen, or a major relationship crusher.

Fever (over 100 F), chills, severe headache and severe body aches, tightness in chest, cough, difficulty breathing, lethargic, exhausted, constantly thirsty, loss of appetite. Flu-like symptoms. Disoriented, disconnected.

Nowhere on the leaflet could I find anything in the side effects relating to loss of taste. Lamisil should include this info, they only need to read some of the comments here to see that loss of taste is by no means "rare!".

ok first of all after reading all the posts i was freaked the hell out but i am glad i still underwent this treatment i have used it for a week now and have seen results the diameter of warts is shrinking and slowly its changing shape and disappearing as for all of you that bitch and moan about this drug....keep it to yourself and by the sounds of things i dont think you have hpv, probably herpes, judging by the intense burning sensation and peeling, and that burning when u pee...definatley a herpes symptom.. come on people