Indomethacin sodium (indomethacin sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Indomethacin sodium (indomethacin sodium)

Side Effects forindomethacin sodium (indomethacin sodium) - User Comments


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Easy to take, but not highly effective

Possible uterus infection?? Maybe a

Pain, aching joints, heel pain, burning and tightness, sore/stiff neck & shoulder, right hip and ankles. Blurred vision and headache....i'm sure there will be more to follow :(

My first experience with taking Boniva was excruiating back and neck pain, to the point that I couldn't hardly get out of bed. This lasted for almost 2 days. When I took my Boniva for the first time, I went out and rode my horses so I decided this probably caused the reaction. I have since taken it 3 more months, doing exactly like the instructions stated. I have had a reaction every time but one. I have kept doing these treatments because after the 2 days of severe pain, I would get 28 days of feeling better than I have in years. I suffer from Autoimmune disease, such as Ra among other arthritic conditions. But this last treatment of the Boniva, the pain lasted for almost 2 weeks. Now I am not so sure it is worth it!

Continual (24-hour) nausea and associated (dry heaves, gagging, heartburn) were the most disturbing. Whenever I tried to lie down or get some sleep I got snorkel-boarded in my own vomit. But then also: amazingly spikey headaches; like a roofer set a roofing nail right at the top of your skull and then whacked it home with single blow; these do not go away with just an aspirin or two. And, muscle weakness, and then dementia in various forms (vivid, disturbing dreams and thought patterns, morbid thoughts, etc.) Then followed by exhaustion and insomnia. For those who know the term, it felt like a really bad attack of autonomic dysreflexia. For those who don't, well it's like the worst case of fever and flu you've ever had. In fact, chills and shakiness are something I should have mentioned earlier.

I had been taking this intermittently over the past few months. Symptoms just as other's have described. Very scary to have palpitations and anxiety for hours after this med. It took me awhile to figure out the connection.

1stone weight gain so far, water retention mouth ulcers, bruises all over woke with black eye last night, urge for apples, flushed face in the evenings breasts gone up two cup sizes and constant bv felt like iv had a cold since been on them.

This really helped me to feel motivated again, which was a major problem with my depression.

anxiety, bloating, weight gain, maintains weight-cannot lose weight, mood swings after period,

high blood pressure bottom number