Imiquimod (imiquimod) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Imiquimod (imiquimod)

Low back pain whole body aches

IMIQUIMOD (IMIQUIMOD): This medication is used to treat certain types of growths on the skin. These are precancerous growths (actinic keratoses), a certain type of skin cancer (superficial basal cell carcinoma), and warts on the outside of the genitals/anus. Treating these conditions can decrease complications from them. Imiquimod belongs to a group of drugs called immune response modifiers. It is believed to work by helping to activate your immune system to fight these abnormal skin growths. This product is not recommended for use on children under 12 years of age unless specifically directed by your doctor. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

I have had some relief from horrible headaches, but at what price? I seem bed-ridden at times and all I want to do is sleep. I feel like I'm dying. I don't want to get out of bed. All this on 25mg. at bedtime!

Orgasms not as strong. Some weight gain. I always suspected that my body aches and pains that have been increasing over the last few years and have culminated it seems leading to sciatic nerve pain, had everything to do with severe anxiety and depression. Miracle drug- taken away my physical and mental pain. I have a feeling of well being from decades ago and no more sciatic pain. It feels like a warm and loving hug that tells me it's ok to go out into the world and belong. I am so happy with this drug. I don't feel raw and edgy anymore. I feel safe now.

I tried every drug out there for horrible insomnia over a six year period. It just got worse.. The insomnia turned into depression, then horrible anxiety and panic. Folks, this drug is a Godsend. I take 25mg of Seroquel (the generic) and 150mg of Doxepin at night. For 7 years now, I have slept 8hrs a night, and have zero anxiety. Please give these medications a chance, MUCH better than addicting benzodiazapines like Xanax and Klonopin, etc! and yes, Lunesta and Ambien are benzo derivatives! The doctors hand them out like candy, they are a dead end road. Stay away from them.

Most of the comments say weight loss and my doctor told me this drug is weight nutral but I have been on it for seventeen days and have gained 17 lbs! No thank you! Will take the pain in feet over weight gain any day!

Lethargy, significant weight loss, involuntary urination especially at night, gastric and intestinal distress. Irregular and difficult bowel movement.

severe itching of scalp, nausea, heartburn, leg cramps/charley horses in calfs, cold chills

I'm sick as a dog. Anyone els had a lot of vaginal bleeding for a long time or longer than usual period? A little concerned.

Unpredictable spotting for weeks, headaches (not sure if related to Depo)

This is the only medication that has worked for me since my 20’s, slow motility because of a surgery when I was 16, lately I have been experianceing more than usual sweating and chills, anyone else experience this? I am taking menopause drugs yet this hasn’t happened before?

I have not had any of the side effects that others have discribed. Makes a huge difference to me as my legs do not spasm and I can go about my daily life somewhat normally