Imbruvica (ibrutinib) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Imbruvica (ibrutinib)

Since I started taking Imbruvica the diarrhea started. I stoped the treatment after 45 days. I lost 32 pounds. From December 2019 I still having the diarrhea, really don't know what to do.

Small B cell lymphoma in nervous sy

Very few. Achy joints rarely. A little bit of bruising. Small price to pay for feeling well

Miracle drug for me. I had relapsed 3 yrs ago and was weak and sleeping most of the afternoon and was down from 125 lbs to 98 ! Yikes!! One week after starting imbruvica I felt like a new person. More energy, started to slowly gain Weight and feel normal. I'm back to 127 lbs.

Little rash on hand to start but going away. Other than that no side effects. How great is that lymph nodes are disappearing !!

At the full 420 day mg dose, I was tired all the time, so I reduced after 4 months to 280 mg a day, still not great, I have been on 140 mg a day for last 2 months, its better. They can reduce dose on this, I don't know why they start so high, I read on a med site that the original dosing is for a 350 lb person, I weigh half that, maybe they need to dose by body weight. Already had high blood pressure, raised it more, so added another BP pill, but down on one now so blood pressure back to usual, so quit the extra BP pill too.

I think this is a good and effective drug so far. I just feel they run people off of it by not dose reducing when people have problems with it. My neighbor and I both started it about the same time, and he was fed up with sleeping so much, said not much point being alive if you sleep all the time, I told him to ask his Dr. about reducing dose, he didn't know you could. He reduced also and is better.

Bruising, feeling heart beating, bad fatigue, weird marks on skin that would come and go, cough, WBC count low but other numbers good

Previously treated with chemo, well tolerated, went into remission. Approximately 2 years later cll returned. Was hesitant to start drug but doc insisted it is better than chemo. Side effects started almost immediately. Lymph nodes did reduce in size. Was monitored by pulmonologist and cardiologist. Generally in good health prior to taking drug. Had high blood pressure for years but well managed with meds. Due to side effects continously raised concerns with oncologist. She said the longer you are on the drug the less side effects you will have. Two weeks ago my dad went upstairs and collapsed, could not be resuscitated. Medical examiner noted cardiac event as reason for death. Cardiologist called us perplexed because he saw my dad two weeks ago. No blockages, tests were normal. After his death I found a journal article written in Sept 2019 mentioning more cardiac deaths have been found in the cll population taking this drug and more studies should be done. I wish I saw or the oncologist saw this article sooner.

Afib, thyroid, diabetic, low platelets, kidney, and in hospital now for one week, off of imbruvica and waiting for things to clear up.

Will not be going back on it ever.

Back ache within 5 days of starting. Became disabling back muscle spasm that immobilized me for 3 months. Never had that before in my life. Also, slight suppression of neutrophils on Imbruvica.

As a result of my back issues (which may or may not have been related to starting Imbruvica, but I think they were), I dose-reduced myself after one month from the original full dose of 420 mg down to 140 mg. And I have remained at 140 mg ever since, for nearly 2 years. This drug has been phenomenal at suppressing my CLL! A real miracle drug. Blood work back to normal, lymph nodes and spleen back to normal, lymphoma B symptoms gone. If I have a short stoppage of the drug for surgery, all my symptoms return very quickly, and disappear just as quickly when I resume the Ibrutinib.

High blood pressure, sinus infections, staph infections, swelling in ankles and feet, general tiredness and muscle pain,'headaches, Severe case of C Dif colitis due to overuse of antibiotics, low counts of RB, platelets and immunoglobulins.

I was in good physical shape but seem to be slipping due to the side effects.WBC almost back to normal.Wish I could reduce my dosage!!

I bruise easily and bleed more if I get a cut

it has helped resolve my mcl issues thus far

IMBRUVICA (ibrutinib): This medication is used to treat certain cancers (such as mantle cell lymphoma, chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma, Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia). Ibrutinib belongs to a class of drugs known as kinase inhibitors. It works by slowing or stopping the growth of cancer cells. Ibrutinib is also used to treat a certain problem that may occur after a stem cell transplant (chronic graft versus host disease). It works by weakening your body's defense system (immune system). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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this drug was amazing BUT sorry but doc DONT use this drug the right way. I was taking 8 - 80 mg oxy's/day and decided to use suboxone. I did 8mg/2 days, 6mg/3days, 4mg/3days, 2mg/week and no side effects or withdrawl. It only took three weeks. DO NOT USE THIS DRUG HOW YOUR DOCTOR WILL TELL YOU. DO NOT STAY ON IT FOR MONTHS AND OR YEARS. Methadone/suboxone clinics are horrible money making schemes. for every pill your doctor prescribes you they make a despensing fee off it, therefor the doctors will tell you you need to be on it for months or years because everyday they get make the fee! they want to keep you on as long as they can thats why they recomend 1/2 year treatment plans, and for methadone its even worse, its totally unecessary and all about the money. The reason you dont stay on sub for more thAN A month is because your body will gain a tolerence, and once your body has that tolerance you become addicted to it and when you decide to quit the subox you will withdrawl. If you are only on for a couple weeks or one month your body doesnt take that time to develope a dependance, and along with the constant weening, you dont experience anything. SO use subox as quickly as you can and dont listen to the methadone doctors or pharmacies because they want to make that $10 fee for everry pill you are perscribed. the methadone doctor here in T.O runs like 3 clinics here and three in peterborough and makes $25 000 a week of despensing fees......RIDICULOUS!!! DONT STAY ON FOR MON

Extremely sweaty hands, lessening of emotional responses, decreased sex drive, possible minor weight gain, nausea, bowel trouble

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Twitching, dry mouth, dizziness, lack of appetite,

Made my stomach sick. I'm now worried sick wheat this drug has done to me and if there are any long term issues I've now created. I'm mad I even thought it was a good idea to take it. I feel like a lab rat.

EXTREME anxiety attack, stomache problems and shakiness

I had been dizzy, slurred speach, found out it wasn't my percocet, it was a problem with my back some bone growth protein used in surgery, who knew? Wish I would have known that it was from surgery bmp. Turned out percocet is just what I need to help. This bmp is why I slurred and dizzy fatigue its like a glue in my back. Percocet helping me.

I went from 0 sleep to ~2hrs of sleep, but eventually had to keep increasing my dose to achieve the same effect. This medicine can be great as a SHORT term insomnia aid (max of 7-10 days), but become very addicting and can greatly worsen depression. Try some melatonin and/or 5-HTP - they work great and don't have the side effects. Or maybe your insomnia is due to depression and you may need to consider an antidepressant?

Decreased sex drive severly but other then that it helped with the mood swings & and painful periods whenoffnthe shot I feel normal in the intimate dept but horrible the rest of the time with painful periods and have then every other week