Hydroxyurea (hydroxyurea) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Hydroxyurea (hydroxyurea)

Ringing in ears, inflammation of gums, inflammation of eyelids, tiredness

Platelets were 700k to million prior to hydroxyurea, now 550k to 600k

hair thinning, around year 10 several squamous cell skin cancers which prompted me to go off this medication as they were not subsiding. I never really experienced fatigue, I am very active and eat a very healthy diet. I work 10 hours days still so I have been lucky in that area but not the skin cancer area. So now I am back on anagrelide and hoping some of those side effects lessen

At first it was fine and my platelets lowered to around 600, but over time had to increase the dose to keep up with the platelets increasing. Be very careful and be very sure you are seeing the best hematologist in your area. I travel to Boston/Dana Farber for mine. I have had previous doctors that wanted to do this test and that test, I finally said no and left their practice. I know I am in good hands now.

None of which I am aware.I am active and sleep pretty well.

Seems to keep my platelet count around 5-600, vs over 1000 and rising 5 years ago when I began taking the drug.

HYDROXYUREA (HYDROXYUREA): This medication is used by people with sickle cell anemia to reduce the number of painful crises caused by the disease and to reduce the need for blood transfusions. Some brands are also used to treat certain types of cancer (such as chronic myelogenous leukemia, squamous cell carcinomas). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Last time I took it I had to pee very often and I got very thirsty-finally went to the doctor and she said I was spilling sugar into my urine - tested my blood and my blood sugar was almost 700! No prior history of high blood sugar. Now I am diabetic, but I think I must have been borderline diabetic before because I had similar symptoms before. PREDNISONE CAN RAISE YOUR BLOOD GLUCOSE DRAMATICALLY -- so if you have extreme thirst and are going to the bathroom all the time you might have DKA like I did -- I ended up in the hospital in ICU! So be careful. Now when I take prednisone I test my blood sugar about 3-4 times a day and take more insulin to compensate. But I still believe in the drug because sometimes it's the only way I can breathe.. Good luck to everybody!

my doctor prescribed me 100mg of macrobid twice a day for a week in order to clear up a uti. the second day into treatment i developed a sore throat and cough, followed by an extreme pain in my lungs whenever i tood a deep breath. i went to my family doctor who said i probably had a viral lung infection and was told to take tylenol. while still taking macrobid, i developed chills, a fever, extreme muscle and neck pain, shakes, fatigue, vomiting, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, and dizziness. I went back to my family doctor, this time seeing the main physician, and he put two and two together, but only after being on macrobid for 6 days. my symptoms cleared pretty quickly, but i did develop swollen, ichy lips a few days after stopping the medication.

Stiff tendons, now and then a bit dizzy 1 hour after taking. dry mouth. Lethargic at times but after day 10 more energy.

Cleared my infection, and I had much less reaction to it than other antibiotics.

What a love/hate relationship I have with this drug. It worked great on my pain, but sucked the life out of me in so many other ways. Every day was like struggling through a fog just to stay awake all day. I finally got some pain relief for my back symptoms through combo of other treatments and was able to go off Cymbalta. It has been like reclaiming my life after a long hibernation. It *DOES* definitely work for pain, though. I've got to give it that! Be forewarned: Do not stop taking Cymbalta cold turkey. There are specific steps to be followed and it is important to follow them, otherwise Cymbalta withdrawal is quite unpleasant. My Dr. had me step down off Cymbalta by substituting low doses of Prozac for a few weeks. Interestingly, I found that the Prozac worked just as well (for me) as the Cymbalta for the neuropathy and without any of the horrible feelings of being "wiped out physically and emotionally" that Cymbalta always gave me. Cymbalta was horrible to me. Not bad for a short period of time, but as a long term drug, I almost would have rather been dead. Sounds dramatic, but true. I swear it *made* me depressed. Also, though, I must admit that I have checked around and seem to be one of the few it affected this way (making me completely exhausted).

weight gain, feeling hungover in the morning and sometimes through the day, anxious legs, later: eczema-like rash on the thighs, bad pain in the knee joints, lower back

Avoid this medication at all costs. Trazedone would be a better choice for a sleep aid. It's an antidepressant with sedating potential. Another problem with Seroquel is that is potentiates any other medications you may be taking. This means that Seroquel literally strengthens these meds. Health Canada has an alert for physicians/psychiatrists prescribing the med: "Don't give it to elderly patients." I read repeatedly that Seroquel messes with one's working memory.

Nasonex did stop my post-nasal drip, but after about a week on it I began having MAJOR nosebleeds in my right nostril.