Hydrocodone bitartrate and homatropine methylbromide (homatropine methylbromide; hydrocodone bitartrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Hydrocodone bitartrate and homatropine methylbromide (homatropine methylbromide; hydrocodone bitartrate)

Side Effects forhydrocodone bitartrate and homatropine methylbromide (homatropine methylbromide; hydrocodone bitartrate) - User Comments


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my perscription ran out, so i stopped taking it...couple of days went by and i started experiencing weird head rush/heart palpitations, stiff neck, jaw pain, very bad sinus pressure (felt like my face was being pulled down, ringing in ears, insomnia, balance was a bit off) are these withdrawl symptoms? if so how long do they last, because i've been having them for about 3 1/2 weeks. I've been to two doctors and none of them could help me. any suggestions?

This medicine IS poison. I had horrible nausea plus stomach pain, diarrhea, dizziness and anxiety. I had to have food in my stomach to tolerate the pain meds and then endure the sweating and nausea after. I was supposed to take the full 5-day course and couldn't. Side effects lasted 3 days after I quit.

Major bloating, horrible cramps, horrible mood, irritable

Exhaustion, depression, fogginess. I thought I had a head cold. My dosage is extremely high due to resistance to Bactrim.

Started taking viibryd after coming off of 20mg of lexapro. Wasn't sure if I should go up on the lexapro or start a new drug. The first week on 10mg wasn't that bad. When I got to 20mg, I started getting very edgy, irritable and had difficulty sleeping even with a sleep aid. I am thinking of going back down to 10mg? Wondering if anyone felt ok initially and worse as they increased the dosage?

Blurred vision, stammering words, forgetful, fatigue, weight loss, no appetite, metallic taste with carbonated drinks, feeling of being "dumb" because of speech and memory problems, dizziness, overheating/getting hot easily, clumsy, off balance, muscle weakness, irregular menstrual, heart palpitations, increased/affected seizures

Developed headache,heartburn,palpitations, change in bowel habits,everything tastes strange,some dizziness

I think it is the low hormone dosage for this pill that causes the breakthru bleeding.


The appetite loss has been the most severe side effect (which I dont mind, I've lost 5 pounds so far), but the other side effects are eliminated completely by exercising immediately after taking the pill. I'm fortunate that I was already working out regularly before taking this medication, but I strongly recommend trying to exercise (even walking) if one were struggling with side effects. It works for me. The drug seems to be clearing my mind as I increase the dosages (started at 25 mg, then 50, etc.). I played the violin when I was young and at a very definite point about 10 years ago seemed to lose my ability. Luckily I kept my violin because I seem to have picked up where I left off 10 years ago! Could be coincidental? Feel free to email me.