Humatin (paromomycin sulfate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Humatin (paromomycin sulfate)

Paromomycin gave me very bad diarrhea while taking this medicine and I continue to have loose stools after. While taking this medicine I experienced stomach cramps and in my neck my lymph nodes became swollen. Unfortunately, this treatment with metronidazole did not effective treat my amoebiasis and now my symptoms are worse and I'm left very scared about my condition.

If you're suffering with amoebiasis, I would still recommend trying it to see if it works for you, but for me unfortunately it didn't eradicate Entamoeba Histolytica.

Had high hopes on it, but It didn't work for entamoeba histolytica effect of using it..

Chronic diarrhea - for 2.5 years since taking Humatin

I took it for an amoebic infection and it caused chronic diarrhea - this despite taking probiotics before, during, and after treatment. In short, the drug made me worse rather than better, and the bad effects WILL NOT GO AWAY

I had absolutely no side effects since I was eating 250ml of yogurt containing live bacterial cultures, 3 times a day in between medication dose. Those who complained about the diarrhea are evidently incognitive of the fact that this antibiotic, just like many others, kills not only the bad microorganism, but also the good ones in your GI tract. Hence, replenishing "good" GI bacteria with yogurt that contains active bacterial cultures seems fairly logical.

This is an extremely powerful antibiotic that completely eradicates entameba histolytica infection.

4 months later I still have liquid diarrhea and problems that started when I began the paromomycin. A disaster. Beware.

I had high hopes that this and flagyl would clear up my problems, but this just added to it.

It caused ongoing liquid diarrhea which is still a problem 10 days after the end of treatment

This was supposed to help my bowel problem, not make it worse.

HUMATIN (PAROMOMYCIN SULFATE): This medication is used to treat a certain parasite infection of the intestines (amebiasis). This medication is known as an aminoglycoside antibiotic. It works by stopping the growth of parasites in the intestines. This medication is poorly absorbed into the blood so it will not work for infections outside of the intestines. Paromomycin may also be used along with a special diet to treat a certain serious brain problem (hepatic encephalopathy). This condition occurs in people with liver disease and is caused by too much of a certain natural substance (ammonia) in the body. Normally the liver gets rid of the ammonia. Paromomycin helps to treat hepatic encephalopathy by stopping the growth of certain bacteria in your intestines that make ammonia. This antibiotic treats only parasitic and bacterial infections. It will not work for viral infections (such as common cold, flu). Unnecessary use or misuse of any antibiotic can lead to its decreased effectiveness. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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