Humalog mix 75/25 (insulin lispro; insulin lispro protamine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Humalog mix 75/25 (insulin lispro; insulin lispro protamine)

I take 85 before breakfast with no problems. Before dinner I take 55 and have had many cases of sugar crash-meter readings have dropped as low as 45-very dangerous

I have gained over 60 lbs since I started on this. I have talked to my endocrinologist many times about this but they just think this stuff is great even though my A1C has not been dropping.

This does not hurt at all. Was taking Lantus prior and the burning and stinging were horrible. Also take Novolog and have no problems with this. Am getting much better blood sugar than I had on the Lantus. Still not on the correct dose it would seem. That's the hard part!

Side Effects forhumalog mix 75/25 (insulin lispro; insulin lispro protamine) - User Comments


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Dry mouth, dizzy, headache, scratchy throat, tired and dragging

Before taking Sonata I was taking high levels of melatonin which, didn't help me to fall asleep faster or sleep longer, but did help me to get deeper sleep for the 4-5 hours that I did sleep, thus making me feel more refreshed. Every night I have taken the sonata (at about 8 or 9pm) I have not been able to fall asleep for 5-6 hours (much longer than the melatonin), or about 2-3am. I then would wake up at 5:30 after only a few hours of sleep and be very tired. It's almost like it is actually making me wired. Not a happy camper! DOESN'T WORK.

Worked on the RA symptoms from May 2006 until June 2014.

cold, pain in leg, shortness of breath at times, depression, feel like im losing plot forgeting things and just ramble on about anything, tiredness, no motivation ,memory problems ,


It's a good and powerful drug; all drugs have side effects. Once you stop taking it, they go away; no big deal. Take your meds like you are supposed to and you will be fine; the sides are normal and happen with all drugs; they can be negative, but it's better than the alternative of being sick with a serious problem like Diverticulitis. It's a trade off so take your meds and live with the 10 days or so of bad sides - which are not as bad as the folks make them out to be.

Bloodshot eyes, eyes are very sore, sensitive to light, hard to drive at night, eyes are swollen at times

I am suppose to take for 14 days, but I have been having trouble sleeping, mood swings, cramping in legs, diarrhea, aweful smell coming through my skin, smell makes me nauseous, no appetite

Heart palpitations, irregular beats

The doctor told me it would start working immediately. I still have no relief from the the anxiety causing my current obsession.