Horizant (gabapentin enacarbil) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Horizant (gabapentin enacarbil)

Sleepiness but I can finally sleep without pain. I was awake all night with sciatic pain and would lie on the floor with my legs up the wall at night First night of usage I slept all night with no pain

The first few days I got a loopy feeling but that went away. After about 45 days I found I was waking up at night and I was wide awake. Or if my alarm went off I woke wide awake. I reduced to only 300 mg at night and it seemed to solve that issue.

It has been a life saver. I have had RLS since I was a little girl. Nothing ever worked and if it did it was only for a few days. I was lucky to get this at a very cheap price. So as long as its affordable then I hope it continues to work.

just one pill makes such a difference in my nighttime symptoms of not only my legs but arms moving too; with Horizant I get my sleep without disruption and wake up refreshed.

About 3 hours after my dose, I get a 'drugged' feeling in the head, similar to Alcohol intoxication, but not pleasant. Then, about 6 hours after my dose, I awake with a very unpleasant feeling of restlessness & distress throughout the entire body. This feeling comes and goes for a few more hours, and then I can sleep. Since starting this med, my quality of sleep is greatly reduced. Also, feelings of irritability and not feeling like myself. If I take the med at 5:00 as recommended, then I'm useless every evening from 8:00 until I go to bed. Not much hangover the next morning.

Was hoping that I could use Horizant instead of Mirapex, because Mirapex gives me a number of unpleasant side effects. Unfortunately, for me, Horizant is worse than taking Mirapex. In fact, I'd also say it's worse than taking nothing at all and just suffering with the RLS.

HORIZANT (GABAPENTIN ENACARBIL): This medication is used to treat moderate to severe restless legs syndrome. It is also used to relieve nerve pain following shingles (a painful rash due to herpes zoster infection). This condition is called postherpetic neuralgia. Gabapentin enacarbil is changed by your body to gabapentin. Gabapentin belongs to a class of drugs known as anti-seizure or anticonvulsant drugs. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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The best! (And most effective...for the clinical purpose...ADHD).

I was on this pill for 7 years before figuring out that this is what Changed my life. I stopped taking it and after a week or so my symptoms went away and I feel like my self again!I wouldnt reccomend this pill to anyone. Even after taking it for so long I had very random month long periods, that were pretty gross-but I wont go into those details. It Changed my moods terribley. Everything would set me off, either in anger or crying non stop.

Slept really well, no drowsiness the next day. No problem until I stopped taking it.

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