Helidac (bismuth subsalicylate; metronidazole; metronidazole; tetracycline hydrochloride; tetracycline hydroc) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Helidac (bismuth subsalicylate; metronidazole; metronidazole; tetracycline hydrochloride; tetracycline hydroc)

Starting to feel better after only 3 days! My stomach hurts but not sure if its the bacteria or antibiotics. The only side effect I noticed was feeling very tired during the first 2 days of taking the pills. By the 3rd day I was working 8 hours and NOT running to the bathroom! Ill report back after 14 days of this therapy. No other side effects.

Do NOT drink alcohol with it. I drank a few gin & tonics the day before I started therapy and felt pretty crappy the first day. Slept alot.

I will not know whetehr it cleared the h pylori infection but the side effects are terrible: dizziness, weakness, anxiety, confusion..4 days to go

Side Effects forhelidac (bismuth subsalicylate; metronidazole; metronidazole; tetracycline hydrochloride; tetracycline hydroc) - User Comments


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It causes me to wake up earlier than normal in the morning. I have also been experiencing incredible nausea and stomach cramps after I eat anything. I thought I had something wrong with me until I asked the pharmacist about it. Sure enough, she told me it was a normal side effect (wonder why my doc didn't mention it?). Because of the nausea/pain after I eat, I've cut down on what I eat substancially, and often don't want to eat at all (anorexia can be another side effect). However, I haven't really lost much weight yet (perhaps the weight gain effect counteracts it?).

Very irregular, gassy. Not fun

Toprol XL, diet and excercise have lowered my B.P. to an acceptable range. The shortness of breath and rapid heartbeats may be caused by other factors not associated with Toprol XL as I take other drugs. I have started to take Temazapan again to help assist in sleeping as my legs ache mostly while I'm laying down.

Today is my 5th day on 150 mg of XL, doctor did not tell me about any possible side effects. I have severe pain and muscle tension across my upper back, tops of my shoulder and into my neck all the way up to my skull. I am not clenchng my teeth but they are sensitive and sore. The dry mouth is not too bad so far; this is a very big concern for me as I can't take most meds because of severe dry mouth. I cannot sleep. I have had about 9 hours sleep in 3 days. I am crying a bit. My anxiety feels increased. I don't really feel depressed, just uncomfortable about these side effects and wondering if I can/should stick with it. Tonight I took Ambien 10 mg around 9 pm and was very hopeful to sleep until morning but I woke at 2 am and am now writing this at 4 am. My appetite is reduced, no sugar cravings but I really haven't lost any weight yet (maybe 1 pound). I have more energy but am exhausted from no sleep. The sexual side effects with this drug are definitely good ones.

2nd time on Plaquenil. First time had loss of hair, blurry vision,weight gain. This time excessive gas, bloating.

My mom is pretty healthy for her age, really a vibrant person. I have never seen her look the way she did after she had been on Aricept for a week. She was sickly, pale, droopy, depressed, tired, and dispirited. She was nauseated and dizzy. Her incontinence worsened. Her legs got so weak after a week that she required assistance walking and we wondered if she'd had a mini-stroke. (Testing the same day showed that she had not.) Aricept is POISON and I feel extremely guilty that I did not research this medication before allowing her to go through this ordeal. Now I'm suspecting that Aricept may be one of the reasons that my dad got so much worse so quickly after he started taking it 10 years ago for Alzheimers. It makes the life just drain out of a person.

It took two days for me to figure out that this drug was going to kill me so I refused anymore. They don't even know that these side effects exist and act like it's all in your head. Since being off I have improved. Looking for a doctor who knows about nutrition, this drug is poison!

Mild fever five hours after shot. Mild nausea within three hours of shot. Moderate fatigue and arm pain 24 hours after shot. Never previously experienced side effects with any other type of flu vaccine.

I really had no side effects at all. Sitting long periods of time, little problem getting up

Concerned about Covid vaccine as no one knows reaction