Guaifenesin and pseudoephedrine hydrochloride (guaifenesin; pseudoephedrine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Guaifenesin and pseudoephedrine hydrochloride (guaifenesin; pseudoephedrine hydrochloride)

Awful anxiety, hyperactive, lash out at others, insomnia,

Side Effects forguaifenesin and pseudoephedrine hydrochloride (guaifenesin; pseudoephedrine hydrochloride) - User Comments


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I could not stay awake, bump into walls, lost weeks of my life due to not much memory while on this drug, severe vomiting, constipation, and an anaphylactic lips and tongue swelled. I ended up in the ER where doc said I was having adverse reaction to methadone. I was so sick during this time I lost 4 lbs and I am not a large woman so four lbs. was a lot to lose. I could not eat for more than a week after stopping this medication. This medication is a very serious medicine and should not be given as first choice as many pain doctors seem to do nowadays.

Extreme anxiety, mild depression, loss of smell and insomnia. Also experienced heart palpitations after taking it.

I do not have any other known drug reactions, have mild seasonal allergies and a latex sensitivity if it touches my face. I have not come in contact with latex while taking skelaxin as far as I know, when I do come in contact with latex on my face my whole face swells not just my mouth.After taking skelaxin my lips are swollen to the point the skin is peeling. Blisters forming in mouth, the blisters form quickly and burst shortly after.Within an hr of taking a skelaxin pill developed severe genital itching that lasts a few hrs and then goes away. I did the in home yeast infection test kit thinking maybe it was a coincident, but that came back negative. Just feel I have to say it, I was at my obgyn a week before taking this med and got a clean bill of health and have not engaged in any sexual activity since then so I am confident the intense itching correlates to skelaxin and not a separate issue.Not noticing a diffrence in the pain or spasm when taking it, the adverse reactions outweigh any benefit I could be getting from this med.

Serious constipation, dry mouth, trouble sleeping, weight gain

Drowsiness, if up to bathroom during night or I get up early in the morning. No withdrawl symptoms, except inability to sleep (which is why I started taking it in the 1st place.

Have linked symptoms to Actonel only after reading others' comments and reflecting on when symptoms began. Actonel is the only prescription drug I take. I thought it was the "aging process"! Feel like an OLD WOMAN in the morning. Had to give up early morning walking and activity just to get my body started. For past 8 months have been working to correct a frozen shoulder. I will stop taking Actonel and see if symptoms improve and WBC improves.

I think the worst thing other than the hip is that once you are on the drug for an extended period of time it is near impossible to get off it. I am working very hard to wean myself off with natural methods but I can't go with out or the heart burn is WAY worse than it was before I started taking the pills. I worry that Doctors are not even trying to find out what else might be wrong with patients.

Inderal LA 120 definately took care of the rapid heart rate. At resting rate I was around 120-130 BPM, I felt like I was having a heart attack my heart would pound so hard. My chest just felt very weird and heavy feeling. I now stay around 80 BMP. I had frequent headaches before starting med and now very seldom have one. After reading all the comments and side effects others have descibed like mine, I will discuss with my doctor.

To my knowledge if you're having hand tremors and the like you might have overdosed on lithium. I'd immediately call the doctor and tell them and if it's to bad and no doctor is available go to the hospital. And I don't mean to sound condescending however it is to my knowledge that an SSRI like prozac, celexa, lexapro, or zoloft could actually worsen bipolar episodes and trigger your cycling. With lithium there's a chance to overdose and there's a chance it will be ineffective because you don't have enough I would recommend talking with your doctor/psychiatrist as much as possible so that you don't fall into either of these categories because neither are good or healthy. Plus you don't want to waste your money on lithium and not get any return.

This is crap. I don't care what they say about it being the same as Wellbutrin. Just do a google search and you will see how many people have had problems with this drug.I tried zoloft and quit using it because of lack of sex drive and energy. This isn't helping anything. I am more depressed because of the weight gain. And I am as irritable as I was when I wasn't on medication.I can't afford $100 a month for the real Wellbutrin, and I have insurance!!! If you feel as depressed as you did before taking this, YOU ARE NOT CRAZY. This doesn't work. The FDA needs to do a little more research on this.