Gris-peg (griseofulvin, ultramicrocrystalline) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Gris-peg (griseofulvin, ultramicrocrystalline)

I took gris-peg for a total of 7 days. By day four all my scalp inflamation and tenderness had subsided (which took up an area in my scalp about the size of a top of a cup) but I being to have an slight itch all over my body. Although gris-peg begin to work to rid me of scalp ringworm, I had a severe allergic reaction to the medication. By day 8 I had a red extremly itchy rash over my entire body (from my face to the bottom of my feet). Needless to say I was allergic to the gris-peg and had to stop taking it. It took about 2.5 weeks for the rash to clear. I am currently taking lamisil (30 days in) and have not had an allergic reaction to the med but it works much slower than the gris-peg had begin to work. Instead of 50-75 strains of hair in the sink I only see approx 5-10 and my scalp is irrated in only one small spot approx half the size of dime. If your body can tollerate gris-peg with no side effects then i would recommd taking gris-peg becasue it works much faster.

Side Effects forgris-peg (griseofulvin, ultramicrocrystalline) - User Comments


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Very bad & constant pain in back of neck for hours, starting shortly after taking a pill.

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I'm certain that Crestor (10 mg / day) is causing the hives and diminished desire. I took an antihistamine today to counter the effects and the reaction after doing extensive research. Funny, the "Crestor" sites downplay the side effects, probably in cahoots with the medical community. Cholesterol was lowered, but I'm not convinced that that's a good thing.

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Please beware!! I was diagnosed with an inner ear disorder called Vestibular Neuritis a few months ago. I was prescribed this medication to treat an unrelated (obviously) vaginal infection. It completely exacerbated my vertigo/vestibular symptoms!! It made me ten times more dizzy, and caused severe blurred vision and nystagmus (eyes shaking/unable to focus)!! I googled this medication in relation to vestibular disorders and this medication is considered an "ototoxic" medication. Webster's definition of "Ototoxic" is as follows: The property of being toxic to the ear; specifically the cochlea or auditory nerve, and sometimes the vestibular system, for example-as a side effect of a drug."Taking this medication while having a vestibular or ear issue is literally like adding fuel to a fire. Steer clear of it!! I would rather have a vaginal infection for months than deal with the side effects of Metrodinazole!Drs. need to stop prescribing this toxic poison! I stopped taking it after my 5th day. (Out of a 7 day dose.) I'd rather take my chances of the infection returning than spend another minute in misery from this crap!

terrible drug caused insomnia, tinnitus,sleep disorder,no energy

low progesterone..prevent miscarria

i knew what the side effects were before i started the drug; i was just hoping it wouldn't effect me. but after two days no semen. it sort of helped my condition but i took levaquil for five days and my symptoms went away. stopped the flomax and in 2 days semen was back to normal. not a bad drug but you have to be ready for the side effects.

I am taking this drug due to Vertebrobasiler Migraines. If I didn't have this pill I don't know what I'd do! This is a miracle drug for me. I am going in for my checkup in April. For me the side effects are worth being able to live a normal life.

It works so well for nausea, but at what price? I was doubled over on the toilet with the worst pain I've ever felt in my life. Then threw up because of the pain rather than from nausea..