Glipizide (glipizide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Glipizide (glipizide)

Gained 11 pounds in 10 days. I'm already over weight. Glipizide is not for me. Hopefully it does help others.

Weight gain was one of my side effects. Trying to lose weight to get off medication but it makes you gain weight

It doesn't make me sick at all

Gained A lot of weight!I was 260 after 3 yrs. I tried to cut my dosage in half. Dropped to 240 in two weeks.

Other than weight gain,I've been somewhat satisfied.😂

Works well doesn’t make me sick like metformin

It’s helped lower blood sugar and is cheap

Gained 7 pounds in three weeks feel less energy and decreased vision

No side effects noted, except that it did not bring my blood sugar down below 130-140. I could not tolerate GLucophage so the doctor switched me to glipizide.

Heck of a lot better than the side effects I had with Glucophage. Just wish it brought my blood sugar level lower. Actos was added to me regimen and now I have side effects again. May have to go on insulin.

WEIGHT GAIN, 20 pounds in 1 year, unable to get off. Lack of desire to exercise as before.

I had been on Metformin 1000mg x 2 and Actos 30mg x 1 per day for one year with no results in lowering my blood sugar levels. Added 5 mg Glipizide. After being on Glipizide for 2 days all my counts went from 175 in mornings to normal range around 125- mornings. Impressive, but I have no energy or interest in walking, which I did 4 miles x 5 or more per week for 7 years prior. Now after a year results are no longer there. Lack of walking?? Don't know. Did atkins diet, modified with fruit and healthful diet for 3 months, lost 1 pound. Last time on it I lost 30 pounds in 4 months. The weight gain is depressing. Now at 5mg no longer working. How much weight will I gain with higher levels?

GLIPIZIDE (GLIPIZIDE): Glipizide is used with a proper diet and exercise program to control high blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes. It may also be used with other diabetes medications. Controlling high blood sugar helps prevent kidney damage, blindness, nerve problems, loss of limbs, and sexual function problems. Proper control of diabetes may also lessen your risk of a heart attack or stroke. Glipizide belongs to the class of drugs known as sulfonylureas. It lowers blood sugar by causing the release of your body's natural insulin. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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My pain during my cycle were like "birth pains". I bleed for 7 days HEAVY. I have been on this pill now for 3 weeks. The pain is gone. The HEAVY cycle is gone. Yet I have been bleeding for two weeks, I am always crying, I have acne now, and I do not know when I will stop bleeding. I have a husband and two children. I try not to show them I worry but I am scared!

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I've never been on any antidepressant and I barely take any drugs at all including ibuprofen, so I thought this would work for me. For me it seems to have the opposite effects of its intended ones, I don't really feel better at all and now I'm tired all the time. I am usually very, very energetic, but since taking this drug, my energy has been sapped. I'm very physically fit--i work out hard 6-7 days a week and now in each workout I feel out of breath. I've never had that problem before. My usual 5-7 mile runs feel like I'm running with weights. Anyone else experience fatigue/shortness of breath on this drug? I told myself I'd give it 5-6 months, but I don't think I can tolerate feeling tired all the time. Also, I have no decreased appetite--I seemed to have gained a few pounds (not in a good way) and feel no effect on my libido. Anyone else had as similar experience?

It works I guess, but I'm afraid of how it made me feel. I took the 1 a month there less problems with the 1 a week pills?