Gildess fe 1.5/30 (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone acetate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Gildess fe 1.5/30 (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone acetate)

Side Effects forgildess fe 1.5/30 (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone acetate) - User Comments


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I have been taking Lasix for a very longtime, and now it is not working, I am taking 160 mgs per day, I do not know if I need to increase the dosage, it is a great medication, keeps my weight down, no more edema, but for soem reason, not working anymore, any thoughts?

I am not allergic to peanuts, I have had some sensitivity to progesterone previously, and have taken a lower dose of Prometrium about 5 years ago. It was prescribed to stop bleeding but didn't work in the time frame. I had a D&C (all pathology normal) which I recovered from perfectly.

Tightness in my stomach/diaphram, anxiety, spasms abdominal and chest into my throat, joint pain, trouble concentrating, tired, general "blah" feeling, feeling more run down than the sinus infection was making me feel without it.

My wife was healthy and took the IV injection at 5pm Thursday. She was dead 30 hours later of severe renal failure. Renal failure so bad that the funeral director told me we had to have a closed coffin. The renal failure and dehydration were so bad that he was unable to repair her once beautiful face for viewing.

Taken Zantac 150 in the past and didn’t really have any issues after a month on it had restless leg syndrome at night and trouble sleeping, but no chest issues.

After about 6 months, I had no migraines, no period, no cramping, no depression, no fatigue. I also worked out 2 hr a day, 6 days a week before starting the pill and after, once the hormones leveled out. I feel great now!

Has worked for over a year but it is not working as good.I have to switch from 75 mg to 50 mg after 2-4 weeks. Otherwise it over medicates me ( side effects are worse)and it doesn't work as good at 75 mg. BP goes up and BPM goes up toward the end of the 3-4 week period. But at 50 mg it works good for a few weeks but than BP increases BPM stays low but in all the side effects are not as bad.All except the white noise side effect is still present and it is hard to hear at night for country noises...crickets and the such. And the more you concentrate the worse it gets.

I have had a partial thyroidectomy and have been taking synthroid ever since. I have noticed about a 20lb weight loss without trying and an increased appetite. I have also had pretty bad headaches every now and then. Overall I am satisfied with this drug but it does come with side-effects for me.

Lots of tingling pain in the arms and legs, intermitent tendon and muscle pains.

insomnia, numbness in hands and feet, cramps in feet while in bed, feeling of unease or jittery