Gildess fe 1/20 (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone acetate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Gildess fe 1/20 (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone acetate)

Side Effects forgildess fe 1/20 (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone acetate) - User Comments


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mild hair loss (possibly genetic though), mostly increased thirst and increased urination.

Cramping, urgency, diarrheaThen nothing for 4 days

Control Mood Swings, Birth Control

None unless you consider craving foods you don't normally like.

AMAZING!! Pulled me from my hole like no other. Helps me immensely with my anxiety/panic. It was used to treat my Anorexia foremost. Really helped the negative thoughts and allowed me to begin to feel safe with eating again. I swear....if I am able to, I am never going off of this med. Thank you Zyprexa

I stopped this after being on for three days after waking up to my feet and legs really hurting and feeling like I couldn't walk. Went to the doctors that' day and complained of my legs, I was told was nothing and to still take the tablets, wasn't until I got home and decided to read the leaflet which states stop taking if get numbness in legs !!! Called doctors to which another doctor then said stop taking the tablets !It has been 2 days since my last tablet and still just as bad pain in legs/ feet - also now having headaches and feeling sick -This is worst feeling in have ever had and I had a c section 5 months ago ! Would rather child birth then taking this posion

Gained 21 lbs in a month. Extreme appetite. Major bloating and insanely tired all of the time. Hair thinned and I was so depressed I didn't want to do anything but lay in bed. Foggy brain and just sad and down. I had to get it out. It was destroying my body and my life. It has been 2 months since it's been out, and I feel better but still haven't lost the weight I gained. I do not understand why doctors push this on women unless they are somehow making some huge profit from pushing it. It's so awful and dangerous.

Panic attacks, anxiety, intrusive thoughts. & depression

My son has taken 5mg Singulair for five months. We put his increasing depression down to the shock caused by three severe asthma attacks in five weeks, he had never had an attack before. Slowly his anxiety became depression, last week the doctor said he needed a psychiatrist. Previous to Singulair he was happy, now he just cries and wants to be at home. I am shocked by the change. Last week took him off Singulair, he has improved already, though has a long way to go. Thank you for this site. I will get a full blood test tomorrow.

joints all ached, insomnia, could not stand up properly if seated for a while, hips, knees all ached when in bed thought was going to end up in a wheel chair. no strength in hands felt I was aging really fast