Gentamicin (gentamicin sulfate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Gentamicin (gentamicin sulfate)

I have balancing issues and feels like I'm going to fall all the time if I'm not supported.I was not given any warning of the side affects to this drug it has made my mental health not good I can't drive and can't do things with my children now it's been 3 months since my operation and there are days I feel more wobbly on my feet this should not be used with out a consent form from the in two kinds at the moment to take action on my hospital if this does not change.

nystagmus / severe bilateral vestibular loss / inability to walk a straight line / sleep problems / fear of falling / (and more falls) / can't ride a motorcycle any longer / had to quit working /

This medicine should NEVER be given unless it is a life threatening illness. Care should definitely be taken with the dosage. My dosage should have been 80 mg given 3 times per day yet I started on 300 mg per day. I was lowered to 150 mg per day after about 10 days due to high concentrations in my blood work. The doctor kept checking on my kidney function but never considered the ototoxicity.

Loss of equilibrioception (loss of balance), Oscillopsia (visual artifacts)

Doc overdosed me on this med. I was taking it intraperitoneally while on dialysis. Doc did not mention any chance of side-effects, did not monitor blood level and after I lost my balance denied the drug had anything to do with. Confirmed with my family doc that I suffered gentamicin toxicity. This drug is very dangerous, and even more so if you have decreased kidney function. I am also suing my doc. Every step I take, every time I turn my head, the effects are present. I'm writing this about 5 months after the incident, so the results are also permanent!

It is supposed to be used under EXTREME caution, my doctor didn't give it correctly and I am now getting a kidney transplant. The kidney failure gets WORSE with time...I am suing said doctor.

I did not personally take this drug. But anyone thinking of it should be aware it can cause permanent vertigo and loss of balance and hearing loss.

see the website:

GENTAMICIN (GENTAMICIN SULFATE): This medication is used to treat minor skin infections (such as impetigo, folliculitis) or minor infections related to some skin conditions (such as eczema, psoriasis, minor burns/cuts/wounds). Gentamicin works by stopping the growth of certain bacteria. It belongs to a class of drugs known as aminoglycoside antibiotics. This antibiotic only treats bacterial infections. It will not work for virus or fungus infections. Unnecessary use or overuse of any antibiotic can lead to its decreased effectiveness. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Crushing depression and anxiety. I should reveal that I have a history of both, but the symptoms were under control until I took Flagyl. Admittedly depression is listed as a side effect on the patient information leaflet. Still, persons with a history of depression or anxiety should be careful with this medicine.That, and my c Difficile came back after Flagyl treatment. Though I can't really blame Flagyl for that.

I was really sick with the flu/cold so went to EM room he prescribed this drug to me it was great for the first 2 days I felt like my self almost but I had this really sour stomach every time I took it about 1/2 hours later it got to the the point on day 3 I just stop taking this drug cuz I was throwing up with this sour stomach really bad it does help with the flu but be aware of the side effect FYI I was eating before I took this drug I don't think I will take this again

This drug is like Heroin, it seduces you slowly but for longer periods 30hrs, this is what makes it so dangerous when mixed. It causes shocking depression but will help with panic attacks, this is not the answer folks trust me. You need to face fears, ride through them, dont make matters worse. You may think your having a great life for 1-2-4- 20yrs but it comes at a cost. I felt like a rock on it i never moved much really.. Sick of all these useless benzo meds.they give you a false feeling of " I can do it". No incorrect YOU can do it not the meds full stop look up mindfulness learn it better than K

Works for me. It sometimes takes a little while to take effect but seems to work faster if I am especially tired.

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The first day I felt like I drank 10 cups of coffe, the second felt like I drank 2 or 3... but after that, no ill side effects. Although I did forget my age the other day for a minute (scary!). Once excellent side effect is increased libido!!! I went from no drive to mega-sex-drive. I also have very vivid dreams.

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THE DEVIL OF ALL POISONS!Heart palpitations, panick attacks through the roof, had to use Ativan and I haven't had anxiety attack in yrs, muscle/joint aches, throbbed headache, totally drained out of energy, feelings of dread like you're going die, nausea, dizziness, loss of appetite, back pain

The worse tasting stuff on fu$&@ing earth grrrr everytime I drink a glass it makes me angry