Generlac (lactulose) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Generlac (lactulose)

it works well for constipation--but dont be around anyone after taking it,because of gas

GENERLAC (LACTULOSE): This drug is used by mouth or rectally to treat or prevent complications of liver disease (hepatic encephalopathy). It does not cure the problem, but may help to improve mental status. Lactulose is a colonic acidifier that works by decreasing the amount of ammonia in the blood. It is a man-made sugar solution. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I think most of these reviews are negative because they started on to high of a dose; this medication needs to slowly build up in your system.. I started on 40 mg and i couldn't tolerate it. So i went down to 18 mg for 3 weeks and then 25 mg for the last 2 months. Now i am going to go back up to 40mg. I easily abused Adderall and i didn't like the crash on Vyvanse, so my Pdoc prescribed Strattera. I have suffered with anxiety my whole life, once i started taking Strattera i noticed it decreasing significantly. This has been a miracle drug for me. I also tak 2mg of Abilify and 1mg (as needed) klonopin. i have been testing out several meds for the last 6 months, and some of them do make you feel crazy at first, this is why i recommend starting off small and then slowly increasing your dose. I didn't want to take meds, but sometimes you need them for the better.

This is the worst thing that happened to me life. I went to the ER like everyone else I see in here for a migraine. They gave me toradol and compazine for my headache. Immediately after receiving this medication in the IV I started trembling uncontrollably. I told the nurse and they gave me Benadryl which lead to the worst experience of my life where I was so exhausted from the Benadryl that I couldn't move, but I was still trembling inside and couldn't tell anyone. So I was essentially stuck inside my body shaking but also unable to move. This continued for hours even after I got home. I took a bunch of Xanax and managed to sleep for a bit.Fast forward 5 months and my life is falling apart. I have developed serious panic attacks, anxiety, and trembling that does not go away. This drug has ruined my life.

I ended up with a severe depression and got suicidal two weeks after starting treatment because my gynecologist forgot to mention that depression is a known side effect especially in patients with a history of depression. In my case it meant that the nightmares I endured during my PTSD came back. After about four weeks the pain in my entire body got so severe that I had difficulties urinating. At that time I also felt exhausted and gained so much weight that my clothes did not fit anymore. Because I was mentally unstable it took me six months before I was able to drag myself to my GP ( I didn't want to go to my gynecologist anymore because of the mistake she made) who immediately checked my blood and it was then that I was diagnosed with hypothyroid. At that time my GP thought that the pain in my body was a side effect of untreated hypothyroid. Therefore it was necessary to first start medication before further tests could be done. After four months on thyroid medication my GP referred

Seems more effective than Clarithromycin - which also had zero detectable side effects

First week very tired in the late afternoon. Second week started to get some pain relief. Third week feeling more awake and energized. Some insomnia. Itching, tingling hands and feet.

They say it is potentially addictive. I only took it for 3 weeks and had horrible withdrawal. Please be very careful with this or any form of this is VERY Habit forming.

Heart Palipations esp. at night. ED, Low sex drive. Joint pain.

Practically continuous allergies

Trouble taking a deep breath, feeling breathless, moodiness and possibly acid reflux

By the 4th day, hives on chest and face and then severe nausea and diarrhea.Am very drug sensitive.