Gemcitabine hydrochloride (gemcitabine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Gemcitabine hydrochloride (gemcitabine hydrochloride)

Hair loss, inflammation, plantar facilities, nausea, fatigue, and more

Was combined with Abraxane and had absolutely no positive effect on the tumor or the rate of spread. Despite the horrible side-effects, which made her last days miserable, it did not work at all. People should think twice and find out as early as possible if it works.

Side Effects forgemcitabine hydrochloride (gemcitabine hydrochloride) - User Comments


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Some stomach cramping/bloating, totally lost my appetite!

I have noticed that my eyes have serious changes, and I have had more problems with sores in my nose, headaches, feeling like I can not balance as i walk feel as im going to fall over all the time lots of different changes

If you can ride out the severe side effects in the short term (which most people seem to have) it really does seem to work. I am also taking a 50mg dose of Zoloft along with the Wellbutrin.

I requested my dr to give me Paxil for social anxiety, as it was heavily marketed for that use at the time. Unfortunately, and we didn't know this then, I am bipolar, and taking antidepressants with bipolar disease can be DISASTROUS, and it was for me. I felt really good, TOO good, and I started drinking heavily, spending extravagantly, ignoring old friends, showing up to work late if at all, not paying bills. This went on for almost the whole duration of the medication, until I nearly got fired and evicted from my apt, and I just kind of opened my eyes and looked around and realized I had to stop taking the meds if I wanted to fix the mess I'd made.PLEASE make sure you are properly diagnosed and have ruled out other diagnoses before taking Paxil - do not fall victim to the advertising. It is not a fix-all and it can be very dangerous if taken without proper supervision. I personally feel that Paxil robbed me of essential parts of myself, and a year after the meds, I am still

Had diarrhea and numbness which bothers me when sleeping. Also, feeling weak. I'm starting to get worried even tho these are some of side effects. Had taken this before but i didn't have any side effects.

My husband took this for 11 and a half yrs,righteously.He got lung cancer and they stopped his plavix for radiation treatment and for a port.T hey had given him 6 a year and he died 15 days later.I know it was because he stopped the plavix.He was doing fine before that.A and I found out afterwards that you are not suppose to stop taking any blood thinners when starting radiation, that's according to the drug safety council.I know drugs don't work on every person the same but this drug worked for him till they stopped it.People should know you can't just abruptly don't stop a drug you have to be weaned slowly.They said it can cause stroke or heart attack if you do. And that's exactly what happened to him.

I am writing on behalf of my poor mother who took Boniva for the first time yesterday and woke up today unable to walk. She is unable to stand up without fainting. Can not move her body without experiencing a severe amount of pain. Unfortunately, I found this website too late. Does any one have any suggestions on how to improve her quality of life while this "medicine" is still in her body.

BEWARE....the generics of Lexapro are NOT all the same. They vary greatly in how effective they are. Most generics are made overseas in India or China. I had to go to three pharmacies before I could find one that did not cause serious side effects.

Nausea, emotional when first took it, constipation

1/17/06 After taking first dose, 7 hours later woke up diaphoretic and tachycardia. Sleeplessness due to nightmares and possible hallucinations. I'm even a nurse and have never heard of such a reaction. ER doc thought I broke a fever and was having anxiety. Anxiety and Tachycardia was definately related to medication. I have had mild anxiety moments that were rational in the past. This was far more real. I feel better that I'm not the only one.