Gaviscon (aluminum hydroxide; magnesium trisilicate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Gaviscon (aluminum hydroxide; magnesium trisilicate)

None that I know of can I take gadviscon long term

Notable quick relief with just a sip. I am not aware or noticed any side effects.

I have a small Hiatal hernia/Acid reflux from gastric bypass revision. At times I experience acid reflux; I also experience food being held in esophagus; hence, a sip helps push it through and relief of burning sensation.

My Gastrointerologist said Gaviscon is superior to all other acid reducers because it works in a completely different way. I take it daily when my stomach is in a flare.

Made my food plpe sore stop it

Be on it for so long was ok at first and then made my food plpe sore

always keep a bottle around the house.i suffer from stomach cramps sometimes after a meal, and they can get quite bad. a quick gaviscon fix and its all gone in a matter of minutes

Side Effects forgaviscon (aluminum hydroxide; magnesium trisilicate) - User Comments


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lpr/left vocal fold hemiparesis

Headache, dizziness,confusion,vision problems,rash,sleeplessness,but the worst was chest pain & shortness of breath

Serious breast tenderness and some growth, headaches usually coming on around 4pm (take my pill at 1130am) pretty bad tension headaches/migraines that I have never had before starting. I have noticed a small amount of depression and anxiety. Main issue is the fatigue, I am exaughsted everyday and the headaches. However I am sure that these things are common with most birth controls and just have to level out.

Bleeding over 22 days. Clotting so bad....chuncks just falling out of me. Severe pain from cramping. Weight three months ive gained 25 lbs. Breasts are beyond being sore. My horomons are out of control. Ive become depressed.

Nasty evil drug should not be prescribed to anyone.... should be banned.

Very few. Mild insomnia, some lack of appetite - but WAY better than the awful allergy symptoms I had.

I decide to take the sample that my doctor gave me before I went out and spent a ton of money. I did not have any symptoms until 24 hrs. later. I felt cold and had a really bad headache. My joints hurt and I felt so tired. I'm just wondering how long the side effects are going to last and when does it get out of your system. I was really hoping for a positive result but I don't think I will be taking this drug anymore.

15 pounds of weight gain after being the same weight for years (probably water weight as I am drinking a lot of water - 10glasses a day as well as stopping at water fountains constantly - and my pee remains bright yellow), really moody, crying all the time, fatigue, headaches, slight depression

The pain relief for fibro is very minor, but the benefit of not desiring to isolate myself from others is positive and something I have never felt in my life. I am terrified to miss a dose because I NEVER want to feel that level of continual dizziness again.

Lamictal plus Provigil really turned my life around. I had been barely functional for 3 years prior. But I have recently discovered that I have osteoporosis and that Lamictal interferes w/ absorption of Vitamin D and calcium. I have also experienced severe cognitive deficits since taking the drug--memory loss, difficulty finding words, can't remember how to do basic arithmetic. I am now re-thinking my use of this drug.