Ganirelix acetate (ganirelix acetate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Ganirelix acetate (ganirelix acetate)

Little burning at time of injection, but that quickly faded.

I did not ovulate early, which was a huge plus the cycle I used this as my husband was out of town and we were using frozen sperm for an IUI. 39 weeks later we had a perfect 10 lb boy. Well, he does have a hypospadeas, but that occurs in 1 in 200 boys, so it would be impossible to directly link it back to the meds. I know quite well correlation does not equal causation and will not be joining the ambulance chaser lawsuits that are becoming so popular.

Initially when I took the drug my greatest side effect was lots of fatigue and bloating. It also made me feel bad, in a strange way, not physically but emotionally, it's hard to describe and I never felt this way before or after, but I felt really bad. My doctor had me take 2 shots at the same time for 5 days. Ugh...

My baby had torticolis and a flat spot on the skull at birth. This is listed on the package insert as a possible side effect. I wish I had read the package insert before taking this drug because I would have probably asked for something else. He had a cranial helmut to help correct the problem. It cost thousands and wasn't covered by insurance. Out of curiosity I started asking others in the waiting room if they had IVF babies. Most least at this clinic...interesting... Fortunately we were able to correct the problem, at our expense of course. It was very difficult financially and we had to set up a payment plan.

Side Effects forganirelix acetate (ganirelix acetate) - User Comments


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Feeling High but great for pain relief although I dont like being looked at as though I'm A drug addict by my pharmacists..Not fair !!!!!

Over and over....stop restart.....insomnia, hot flashes, night sweats, fatigue, weight off now and going thru withdrawals.....will never restart....I did better off....

Tiredness to the point I can't keep my eyes open. Nausea. No appetite. Depression panic attacks.

Horrible medicine...terribly dizzy, nauseated, horrible headache and I also have COPD but do not use oxygen during the day...ever. During the two days I took this Septra, my oxygen level dropped to the 70's.

So far, just mild hot flashes. The first month was BAD. I have colon problems associated with my endo and now in my second month of Lupron I am still fighting the colon infection. The endo pain is gone! I am so tired but maybe that is the colon problem. I already had a hysterectomy and I am ready to remove last ovary and eb done with it (i hope).I will continue with the shots for now but prefer surgery.

It seems to help with my sinuses but I noticed everyday I get sinus headaches at the same time. Not sure if this is because of the medicine or not

this is 2nd time I have had these for uti, first time I was given 100g capsuels 1 twice daily and had no side effects, this time I had 50mg tablets 4 times a day side effects came after 3rd day felt like I was dying I was in so much body pain, but they did work on uti, but don't know whats worse uti or side effects would not want to take them again it was frightening also my urine was vivid orange

Lexapro is a good drug for anxiety. It is way better than Paxil. I didn't really feel many benefits for my depression though. I have recently switched to Cymbalta but I would go back to Lexapro if need be.

Bad taste in mouth, unexplained weigh gain,seems to make me irritable at times

I was worried about weight gain, but hormonal weight gain seems minimal to nonexistent.