Gadavist (gadobutrol) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Gadavist (gadobutrol)

I always make sure to drink 32oz of water extra the day of contrast.

Side Effects forgadavist (gadobutrol) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

Blurred vision, wobbly walking, slowed heart rate, mental fogginess,feeling overall, not well at all. Kinda scary.

allergies (seasonal & airborne)

EXTREME weight gain (60lbs), foggy headedness

had an oral surgery years ago and took this short term until i healed. worked great to take as needed for pain. especially after waking up. even days after taking vicoprofen, it still took the pain away. it is euphoric and highly addictive so i would not recommend it to people with drug abuse or dependency issues.

increased heart beats, increased body temperture, increased swollowing, emotional break downs. If i was sad I could not stop crying. Stragiht A's in school. I thought about my actions and what I said around other people. I would have to force myself to take it. Not addictive at all! What ever you do you do to the fullest. If you read you read the whole book.. if you relax for a while.. you pass out and stay asleep. Loss of hunger. Hurts my heart to excercise a lot. I have to take sleeping pills to sleep at night. Really expensive almost $300 for a bottle of 30 with out insurance. I would trade them at school for adderol. Adderol was so much better. Not as many sideeffects just pure enjoyment. One time I had a shot of hard liqour and almost no food that day. I blacked out and puked all over the place. I woke up on my bathroom floor. Misrible the next day. I started to take it to get skinny, and it made me weak with really bad heart burn. I get heart burn just thinking about it. I woul

I take it to counteract insomnia side effects of Wellbutrin & Adderall. Take 5 mg most of the time, takes 40-45 minutes to produce drowsiness. Go to bed, sleep great, wake up refreshed. Typically sleep 5-6 hours during week, 8-10 weekends. Can get up and go fine after 5-6 on 5mg. 10mg takes me a full 8 hours to get over and leaves me feeling sluggish for awhile then, so i rarely take 10mg. I generally try to skip taking it at least one night a week. All in all, I agree with another poster that one of its biggest benefits is eliminating the anxiety about whether you will sleep well or not.

BP 140/110. It kept it at 120/85

my 7 year old experienced convulsions, hallucinations, vomiting, intensse emotions. i was told he would be recieving an iv due to mh precautions and was called to recovery room to discover that the anesthesiologist had made the decision to use versed without contacting me. absolutely the scariest thing i've ever seen. the doctors would not give me answers and told me he would have to sleep it off, and they were so sorry they made a decision without me. what!!!! my son was and still is scared. this is only the begining of my effort. this procedure was done at a world renowned childrens hospital.

I quit taking it after my 3rd dose. I would rather deal with the pain from the surgery than feel like I did. I can't believe that people mis-use this stuff. It was really scary! p.s. I slept like a baby the second night after surgery...without the medication.

I would never take it again and would advise everyone against it. It is a bad drug that destroys your body and the side effects don't go. The doctor said that the side effect of racing heart beat would go within a day or 2.. wrong !!! I am so worried