Gabapentin (gabapentin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Gabapentin (gabapentin)

After taking this many years out of the blue my feet,legs and ankles swelled up badly. Never had this issue even when I first stated using this medication.I have weaned myself off it but my swelling is still effecting me. I will consult a kidney doctor to see what is going on.

Weight gain, dizzy and light headed. Afraid of falling.

Had to stop this inappropriate med.

Makes me feel weak and the muscles in my legs do not want to work. It helped a little with the pain.

I also have one kidney and this medicine is not good for the kidney.

terrible pill. why doctors even bother with this pill?

I had high hopes that Gabapentin was the drug for me. Maybe 3 days was not long enough to really test it. I was too dizzy to really give it a chance any longer. I had to hold on to every solid object to get from place to place in my own home.

Very sedation at first...had to push thru and worked up dosage from 1200mg per day up to 4000mg per day. It exacerbated sleep walking tendencies with other sedating medications so I lowered dose to 3200mg daily.As far as pain management for my helped

Once generic Pregabalin became available and affordable I switched and am very happy with new med.

Cons: Restlessness( cannot take at night personally), mood swings, "numbing" effectPros: helps depression/anxiety, helps pain, increased focus, increased energy

Was prescribed this drug because I am having nerve pain in fingers and hands from carpal tunnel I asked for tramadol because that seems to help with the pain but the doctor said he could prescribe them but would not because he thought it wasn't the right route to take, instead he gave me a choice between gabipentin or lyrica which I chose this.will never take again, when I told him I didn't want anything that would make me tired he says " well that's why you take it before bed" woke up feeling horrible and groggy, how is this drug safer then opiates?

I took 100mg before bed on 4 different nights. The first three times I slept fantastic. The fourth time I did not sleep at all and I had a lot of trouble sleeping for the next week, even though I had stopped taking it. Not going to continue on this. Has a lot of other nasty side effects and I'm told it can be really hard to get off of it.

It makes me feel calm and sociable it helps me feel way less anxious

Side effects: calmness, relaxation, fuzzy mindedness, improved mood, weight gain (with high doses)Gabapentin Really helps with depression and anxiety! I hate being social (social phobia) and taking gabapentin an hour before the social event really helps me with talking comfortably with others.The only bad effect is weight gain. When I was on 600mg 3 times a day I gained a lot of weight. Once I got off of it, I lost all the gained weight rapidly without even trying. I'm back on it at 300mg twice a day and it helps my mood and anxiety so much! At this dose, I have not gained weight. Although I do get the munchies the first few hours after I take a dose.Also, I know many say it's hard to get off of but I would skip several days sometimes with no issues whatsoever. I've not had difficulty getting off of this in the past. Not sure why. I guess it effects everyone differently.As far as pain relief, I do not think it does much for pain.

It's like a "happy pill" that can rapidly improve your mood. It's great.

Sudden massive weight gain, increased anxiety, memory loss

This did nothing for my anxiety except make me more anxious when I didn't take it. Overnight I gained 3 kilos on my 5 ft 3 frame. Caused memory loss - couldn't remember names of good friends while they were in my company, had to check my phone to find out their name.

Neuropathy, chronic nerve pain

I have noticed I am a bit absent minded. Sometimes a little jittery- like a drank a strong coffee or two.

Gabapentin has been amazing. I am in so many less pain. I can do so much more than I used it that I've lost a lot of weight. I am not waking up as much at night in pain, either, so I'm not as exhausted during the day.

Diabetic neuropathy in my feet.

Foggy, feel off balance at times, tired, for the past 2 days having what is watery diarrhea, not explosive. Contacted my Dr. told me not from Gabapentin and doesn't interact with my other medications. just stomach issues. This Recommend a soft diet. This medication I feel has already helped my feet.

Some brain fog. Very relaxed. It took away by horrible body pain. Saved me. Help me to function everyday now.

Dizziness, Fatigue, & Brain Fog.

I initially took Gabapentin for my generalized anxiety disorder. This medicine helps with my anxiety but also helps significantly with my depression. I have tried taking it in the morning to reduce my anxiety throughout the day, but it does cause some fatigue, dizziness, and brain fog. If I take it too late in the evening (11 pm ), it is extremely hard to wake up in the morning. I take it around dinner time and that works great for me. If you have GAD or MDD, I highly recommend taking this medication. Try to remember that it takes a few weeks before it works, it isn't an as needed medication.

Affects balance. Seizures of muscle spasms well under control and reduced limb and spinal pain.

At the beginning the neurologist never explained anything and why the doses were so high but it was really helping with the pain no side effects

I can’t say is bad for my complaint is the neurologist never explained anything to me and I have to find out for myself and since the beginning high dosage, it works for my pain, that it, no side effects and doesn’t help me other condition

GABAPENTIN (GABAPENTIN): Gabapentin is used with other medications to prevent and control seizures. It is also used to relieve nerve pain following shingles (a painful rash due to herpes zoster infection) in adults. Gabapentin is known as an anticonvulsant or antiepileptic drug. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Acne, headaches, dry mouth, tired eyes, dry eyes, constant bloating, trapped wind, colon trouble, wind, sensible gums, rotting teeth etc...

dizzyness. especially if I am exercising

Experienced extreme heartburn, weakness, back ache, swollen throat and eyes, numbness of big toe, nausea, stomach pains, headache, chills within 48 hours of taking. Looking back, I was sick after the first dose, but didn't make the connection.

It helps me sleep, and seems to help a little.

I've been on Copaxone since my diagnosis (2003). Over the past year I developed a slouch and my c-spine seems "gnarly". Occasionally my neck hurts. I mentioned this to my primary care doc and he said it's a side effect of Copaxone. Anyone experiencing this?

At first I didn't like this drug, when I took it orally. The side effects were headache and it didn't really help much.