Fycompa (perampanel) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Fycompa (perampanel)

increased Fycompa from 6 to 8 mg a day. at 1st, extremely tired. getting better now.

FYCOMPA (PERAMPANEL): Perampanel is used to treat certain types of seizures (including focal and generalized tonic-clonic seizures). Perampanel belongs to a class of drugs known as anticonvulsants. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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These drugs are nasty. Might work well for some and some refuse to believe that all the side effects they have could be this medicine. I finally woke up one day and said enough for there are other medicines out there. I gained lots of weight which looks like solid fat. Nothing fits, my fingers, ankles and other parts swell. I ache in the knees, have zero energy. Have nightmares that one would think I was in a bad movie, plus I was sleepy in the day time. I would fall asleep in the chair. Since I have been on Bystolic for four days, not much has changed, except peace of mind, but I think the Bystolic will work if I have to go to 10 mg, from the 5, I will. I WILL NOT take Toprol or the generic Metoprol again-it just did too many bad things to me, just like it did most all the other people who have written in this site. There are too many other medicines out there to continue to take this medicine. I wish I had been brave enough to stopped it long ago and maybe this roll of fat around my

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I've taken it off and on for about 15 years. I usually quit taking it because of weight gain over the long term. The longest period without it has been about 2 years I think, but the depression eventually returns (SAD as well) and when it becomes intolerable, I run for the Prozac. I've tried Paxil (Horrible!), Welbutrin (alone and with the Prozac - the combination is best), and a few others that I quit within a few weeks due to side effects that were much worse than with Prozac. The combination of my major depression and anxiety disorder cause me to have anger and irritablity problems as well as classic depression symptoms like lethary, brain fog, and lack of motivation. Within a week or two after I start taking it, Prozac makes me calmer, more relaxed, and better able to handle stress. It starts to relieve the depression symptoms at about 4 weeks. The sexual problems, inability to orgasm/reduced sex drive, seem to start in the first week, but usually improve after a few months in

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I took my first dose on 7/31. The next day it felt like I was hit by a truck. It felt like a hangover. Ever since the first dose I have been experiencing constant headaches and this overall dizziness feeling. Besides that it's helped with pain and my psoriasis had calmed down so much. It's not red and irritated anymore, it looks more like discoloration on my legs. My arms are pretty much clear now and this all after ONE dose. While It's helping with my disease but the headaches and dizziness aren't worth it. I feel worse physically bc of the constant feeling of dizziness. I take my second shot on 8/14 and I'm nervous to say the least.

Currently taking 15 mg and will be re-evaluated in March to see if the doseage needs to be upped or decreased.

It seems that after I started taking Aciphex I could not retain an erection. This had not happened before the prescription.

Ive already put a review back in early April. Since taking amoxicillin back in March, Ive had twitching in my right eye ever since. Ive been to the eye dr and he didnt see anything else causing it. Anyone else have this problemPlease email me if you have.

I posted 3 months ago about side effects I experienced - terribly itchy skin and some sharp chest pain that all happened the day AFTER I stopped taking Macrobid. Now, 3 months later, the chest pain has continued! VERY scary and I'm so angry that drugs like this are in circulation.