Foradil (formoterol fumarate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Foradil (formoterol fumarate)

It has made a tremendous difference in my ability to breathe. I can now go all day and night without gasping for an inhaler and although I'm far from normal I'm a lot more able to function.

FORADIL (FORMOTEROL FUMARATE): Formoterol is used as a long-term (maintenance) treatment to prevent or decrease breathing problems caused by ongoing lung diseases (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease-COPD, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema). Formoterol belongs to the class of drugs known as long-acting inhaled beta-agonists. It works by opening air passages in the lungs to make breathing easier. This effect helps to reduce wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath. This medication does not work right away and should not be used for sudden attacks of breathing trouble. Your doctor must prescribe a quick-relief inhaler (e.g., albuterol, also called salbutamol in some countries) for sudden shortness of breath while you are using formoterol. You should always have a quick-relief inhaler with you. Formoterol is usually used with other medications such as corticosteroids (inhaled or taken by mouth). However, it should not be used with other long-acting inhaled beta agonists (such as arformoterol, salmeterol) because doing so may increase your risk for side effects. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I absolutely love Orth-cyclen. i have never had mood swings, depression, weight gain or anything and I have been on this pill since I was 17. I have never gotten pregnant on it. When I did chose to have my daughter I quit taking the pill and was pregnant within 2 months. I didn't have any side effects or any changes when I came off the pill. After I had my daughter I began taking the pill again and I have had the same results. I am very satisfied with this birth control. I take my birth control first thing in the morning. I leave it sitting by my tooth brush so I don't ever forget to take it. I have never experienced any nausea and I take it on an empty stomach everyday.

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As with most meds, I always like it if it comes in very small doses. Also, for me samples are probably the way to go since I am so sensitive to everything...samples at doctors offices seem to be a thing of the past (at least where I live).

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The side effects that I have read about, are exactly like what my 2 and a half year old daughter has been going through. I put her on it almost 2 weeks ago and noticed a drastic change in my child. She woke up totally freaked out with a nightmare @ 1st...then it progressed. Her behavior has become EXTREME and it's very hard to communicate with her...she acts (seriously) like a mental patient with a crazy look in her eyes half of the time. She will NOT go to sleep in her bed like she used to and has become so upset when we tried to put her in her bed that I thought she were going to pass out or have a seizure....she stopped breathing followed by blood curdling screams. The following day she came up to me and head butted me in the nose...not an accident. I had started to feel like I had lost my once sweet little angel to a horrible mental illness. Then I remembered my Dr. telling me that if I notice any "side effects" to let her know and stop treatment. Side effects....I'm thin

I tried it twice in my life, twice, the same thing. Why did I try it the second time? Cos I didn't realize that the first time the symptoms I had were caused by it.All fine for 10 months.Then depression getting worse and worse every month I wanted to destroy my life and everything was awful, PMS alltrough the month, accompanied with terrible menstrual cramps, serious bloating, heartburn. I had to get a stomache endoscopy, my GI thought I had an ulcer. The results were "chronic inflammation". Maybe candidiasis too? Guess what is the cause of all this?So I stopped it and it's slowly getting back to normal... When is this crap gonna get out of me???

My libido has gone. Even if I take viagra, I cannot finish my sexual activity. I feel bad because of that

I had no side effects and gave me relieve from the acid reflux. I am a vegetarian and even a junk food free eating habit can cause acid reflux. It sucks!