Folic acid (folic acid) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Folic acid (folic acid)

no i did not noticed any sie effect but could not get the desired result. i m so much worried to get pregnant.i m simply using this medicine all the tests are normal.

FOLIC ACID (FOLIC ACID): Folic acid is the man-made form of folate. Folate is a B-vitamin naturally found in some foods. It is needed to form healthy cells, especially red blood cells. Folic acid supplements may come in different forms (such as L-methylfolate, levomefolate, methyltetrahydrofolate). They are used to treat or prevent low folate levels. Low folate levels can lead to certain types of anemia. Conditions that can cause low folate levels include poor diet, pregnancy, alcoholism, liver disease, certain stomach/intestinal problems, kidney dialysis, among others. Women of childbearing age should receive adequate amounts of folic acid either through their diet or supplements to prevent infant spinal cord birth defects. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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severe fatigue! nausea. weakness. chest pain.

If traditional SSRI's have not worked for you this medication could be helpful, but do understand that there are side effects with any drug. Go off of it slowly tapering your dose. Also, know that medication alone rarely helps depression long term. You also need life style changes and usually, talk therapy.

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It is great I found these posts as I thought I was going to have a heart attack! I am dizzy, very weak, feel like I am out of it, my head feels like ants are crawling it, and I too am having vivid dreams (although weird - not scarry.) The scarriest is the feeling my heart is going explode. It beats very very fast at night and I can not get to sleep for HOURS.It feels like someone is sitting on my left arm- I thought it was the other drug I was taking (MUCINEX) -, so I quit - but still no change. This morning I woke up and felt better - actually had some energy - then I remembered to take the pill. Within 1/2 hour I felt like I got hit by a truck - and started digging on line. Here I am. I took this drug once before - did not have ANY of these problems except the taste. But I remember it was the ONLY drug that knocked out my sinus infection. After 5 days (1/2 way through) I am going to stick to it as it seems to be helping my sinus infection (worst ever), and that my reaction to

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I was no longer deeply, darkly depressed when taking Zoloft. I didn't feel any real joy either, but this didn't bother me too much. I was better than I was before Zoloft!

severe depression- My daughter took bactrim for MRSA. It worked, but she has been battling depression since. She has always been a very happy person and very outgoing, but she said she felt like she was in a hopeless box. I couldn't figure out why. The feelings started during the time she was on Bactrim and she is still fighting negative feelings a month later. I am so glad to be able to figure out why she is having so much difficulty. I don't think it is a coincidence that this overwhelming sadness and hopelessness hit her at the same time that she was taking Bactrim. I wonder how long this will last. Does anyone have any experience with this side effect?

I would prefer to not take this medication again. I have used Provera and it has worked just fine for me with minimal side effects.