Focalin xr (dexmethylphenidate hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Focalin xr (dexmethylphenidate hydrochloride)

FOCALIN XR (DEXMETHYLPHENIDATE HYDROCHLORIDE): This medication is used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - ADHD. It works by changing the amounts of certain natural substances in the brain. Dexmethylphenidate belongs to a class of drugs known as stimulants. It can help increase your ability to pay attention, stay focused on an activity, and control behavior problems. It may also help you to organize your tasks and improve listening skills. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Took one 5mg pill at bedtime Sat. night for tension pain in neck and shoulders. Couldn't sleep all night - kept tossing and turning. Slept until 1pm which I never do. Extremely groggy. Felt nauseous. Laid on sofa all day. No appetite but thirsty. Felt very fatigued. I had heart palpitations and stomach cramps but no diarrhea. Went to bed Sunday at 10pm and had to take motrin for body aches all over. Felt like I had the flu but no fever. I had chills and then got very hot during sleep. Now it's Monday and still don't feel well. I will never take this again and am throwing the meds away!

Normally a balanced person, this pill made me so anxious that I ended up at an ER with chest pain and crippling anxiety. Mid-cycle each month, got a silent migraine (visual disturbance) that scared the crap out of me. Thought there was something horribly wrong; would obsess over any anxious thought and cry endlessly. Stopped pill; within days, totally back to normal! Went back on name brand Loestrin last month, and sure enough, anxious, crying constantly, bad back pain in one spot,weird silent migraine on day 17, and no period last month. HATE IT, and reading here only reminds me that I should have steered clear. So tired I can't move- not the usual me!

I took this because I had a severe sinus infection and bronchitis. It took almost 20 days to get over it with horrible side effects. Nothing gastrointestinal. I had days of heart palpitations, elevated heart rate, higher bottom number blood pressure (I never have had high blood pressure). The dizziness was awful. I thought something was terrible wrong with me until I saw this group. Brought such piece to my mind.

After many years of suffering of extreme migraines, I was desperate for ANY miracle cure. Come Topomax the "miracle maintenance solution to your migraine". My Doctor made it sound really appealing and desperate as I was (25 out of 30 days with headache) yes, Topomax was just for me. Day one, 25mg, I could not function. My husband had to do just about all for the day but hey, it would take time to adjust, my Dr. said. The dose increased weekly and within a month I leveled at 100mg. That was a year ago and by now I am at my wits end. The side effects have not gone away, if nothing else, they have worsened. I remember telling my husband a while back while still adjusting to the med "please bear with me, it will get better and I actually feel like I can now have a life without headaches!" HOnestly, at this point, I would rather deal with the headaches than the hell my life has become!.I just found this website and I am honestly relieved because so many of the symptons

I take 15mg/week of MTX, 1mg/day Folic acid everyday, as prescribed. Feel I have somewhat more hair falling but I have a lot of hair to the extent I reduce the amount in hairsalon, so it does not concern me. (I am a Japanse female living in US) I was diagnosed with RA several month ago and was on SSZ but switching to MTX. I still have low/high (depends on the day) pain in my joints but my stiffness feels much lower. Hoping it will improve... I don't like this menstral cycle disturbance and extremely low menstral flow... I am scared if I am going to have an early menoposal / ovarian failure. But, still better than potetial disabled joints. By the way, I read that the menstral cycle disruption is a VERY COMMON KNOWN side affects -- from a Japanese rheomatologist conference's presentation. They said that doctors should inform this prior to a RX so that the patient would not get shocked. However, the doctors in US seem not to talk about this.Have not gotten my first post-MTX blood test yes (next week) so I cannot tell how my liver doing with this or over many years.Although I will have to give this medicine a chance for a while (it has been only 5 weeks) to see stronger effect on my joints (they still hurt but not severe), I already started to feel my fatigue level decreasing. Not sure of course if this is due to MTX.

bad hair loss,hair falling out in clumps,increase apetite,depressed,no sex drive,cramps,spotting,bad acne, weight loss/fluctuating. Many more but i cant remember all.

I started on Ostevin cream, but that just burnt like mad. Then tried Vagifem. Had a bit of relief for 2 days after taking it, but I’ve gone back to square one. So painful. My Gynae and GP think I haven’t given it enough time. I cannot live like this. It’s affected my mental health beyond description.

Stomach pain (with back pain), constipation, restless legs

Massive weight gain I gained 200 lbs I was 489 lbs do not take this med or zyprexa it's awful I can no longer walk and it's horrible trust me it's not worth the good times you will lose Christmas new years birth days and many friends I still can't walk and I been off the med a whole year now

I took this medication as my first time. I Finished it as doctor's instruction in the early morning when my stomach empty of food. My body is o.k. til to the time when got in bed about 9:00pm. When I was in bed in that time, I felt so cold that like flu,malaria, or typhoid, muscle serious pain and bones pain and crushed, my fever last for two days so that I can't go to work or help my family. Now I feel my muscle like after a brutal beat.Pleasse help don't let this medication still used by any one include any doctor.When a doctor mislead any patient to take this medication, this is a serious crime. Doctor make money can't use patient as scraptgoat.