Fluticasone propionate (fluticasone propionate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Fluticasone propionate (fluticasone propionate)

Anxiety, panic, brain fog, headaches, head pressure.

Been off it 2 weeks. Feeling alot better but the head pressure is still here.

Heart racing,heart pounding,arrythmias,rapid heartbeat,shakiness.Wanted to call an ambulance but thought it might be the Fluticasone propionate/Flovent I just started.Hoped and prayed it would go away. Thank God it did, but it lasted many hours.

This is the only thing that worked! I had severe, unbearable sinus facial pain for 4 months, and went through 3 rounds of antibiotics before Dr prescribed this. Turns out I have polyps. The first time I used the spray I had burning in the back of my nose so I stopped. (I suspect now it was because my polyps were so swollen) but within a few days my facial pain was gone!!!! A couple of months later I tried again, using for 3 days, but I developed painful mouth ulcers (I now know if I brush teeth and tounge after using spray I prevent the ulcers in mouth!) Two yrs later now: I use the spray for 2 days, every couple of months when I feel facial pain creeping up. I'm still on the first bottle! I have not had a single sinus infection!!!!! It removes the pain!!! This spray prevented me from surgery! I am so thankful I have it, only caveat is I had to trial & error what worked for me as the prescribed instructions had negative side effects. Overall I highly recommend for nose polyps!!!!! I also highly recommend as the cheapest way to find out if you suspect you have nose polyps; if you use a couple of times and your pain does not reside then go see an ENT.

Trial and error to figure out which dose works for you

I have only used this spray twice, yesterday morning and last night. I woke up this morning with heart palpitations, fluttering, quivering sensations. Also rapid followed by slow heartbeat. Had crackling when breathing in. I'm not using it anymore as I'm certain it's the spray that is causing this.

It helped my breathing but constantly gave me rapid chest palpitations, fast heartbeat, extreme anxiety, thoughts that I was going to die, constant waves of stress, pins and needles all over my body.

I understand this may work for some people, but I could not in good conscious recommend this to anyone just on the chance someone might experience some of these heinous effects.

I have nasal Turbinate hypertrophy. In the beginning at r 6 days of use I noticed the enlarged turbinate shrinking. But on day 10 it was back to the same size. I took the drops very properly as described. It didn’t help. The doctor stopped the medicine and has now given me Fluticasone Furoate 27.5 mc spray instead which is a lower dose. It’s giving me anxiety and panic attacks feeling insomnia and breathless and shaky each day. I guess steroids aren’t for me.

Did not help with nasal turbinate hypertrophy

Almost immediately felt anxiety and panic from this drug. Constant feeling of worry and as if something bad is going to happen. It was as if I had just drank 10 cups of coffee and was on the edge of my seat all day. I never thought a nasal spray could cause this, hoping to feel better now after stopping.

Anxiety, extreme fatigue, high BP, nausea

Finding confirmation on this website has been a godsend! My first 2-squirts-per-nostril caused an immediate anxiety attack, followed by a long period of intense irritability - annoyed by everything and everybody! I stopped the spray immediately. But since my allergies were so bad, a co-worker encouraged me to try a lower dose less frequently - dosing no more than 1 spray per nostril at a time. This worked well for almost three weeks - only a little edginess, and my allergies disappeared! However, I soon began to experience serious fatigue, falling exhausted into longer and longer naps, waking unrested, weak, wobbly on my feet; had leg aches; high BP; then hours of nausea, even stomach pain. This spray is def. not confined to nasal passages - think of how cocaine and other substances are introduced into the blood stream! It has caused major side effects throughout my body. Just typing this is a major effort. But I want the people who may react like I and a few others on this forum did to know and beware. I am too tired to function normally and I sleep from pure exhaustion 12 or more hours a day. I hope I recover from this soon!

Psoriasis of the vaginal and rectal

I have been taking this medication and just made the connection that it is the reason I have been chronically ill for 6 months! I have had terrible cysts at the application site. Many infected. Was put on so many antibiotics to cure the cysts that I now have had 3 bouts of c-diff. Now I figured out why. The doctors couldn't. Ugh!

Cystic acne, severe personality changes, became combative, depressed hearing reduced, dizzy

I accidently dosed myself with HALF of the prescribed amount. The first and worst of the cystic acne showed up about 6 hours after the fist dose. Never, ever had acne in my entire life. As bad as that was, turned out to be the adverse symptom that saved me. My personality changed so drastically, my husband was getting ready to take me in for a psychiatric evaluation. He concluded there had to be a connection between this drug and these symptoms and got me to stop using it after only 3 HALF doses. If I had used the full dosage or not had these huge cysts, I likely would have continued using it, and ended up in a far more serious situation than a sinus infection.I wish I could say I'm exaggerating, but I'm not. This was very scary and I have no idea how scarred my face will be from the cysts.If the rating system allowed for it, I'd give a negative rating.

Having used several nasal sprays such as Flonase, Flovent, Azelastine Hydrochloride and Fluticasone being now described, these drugs/nasal sprays, their side-effects are very serious to be taken lightly. Now, I see, while my son when young taking Flonase was always having angry outbursts, constantly mad especially with me. I am glad to have found this site, as it explains it all. Thanks.From coming across this site, it becomes apparent that Fluticasone Propionate was responsible for my constant having death thoughts; either someone I barely known have died or that individual was going to die. Also, constantly worried that something bad was going to happen. Further, I will get these sad feelings upon waking up from my sleeps. In addition, I would have these constant itching on my back afraid that I might have caught something.

Having used several nasal sprays such as Flonase, Flovent, Azelastine Hydrochloride and Fluticasone being now described, these drugs/nasal sprays, their side-effects are very serious to be taken lightly. Now, I see, while my son when young taking Flonase was always having angry outbursts, constantly mad especially with me. I am glad to have found this site, as it explains it all. Thanks.

extreme anxiety/panic attacks, racing heart, trouble breathing, high blood pressure, insominia, fatigue, sore throat, trouble swallowing, headache

I took 2 sprays per nostril once per day for the first 15 days. Then my doctor told me to increase to 2 sprays per nostril twice per day for 4 days. After that I went back to the original 2 sprays per nostril once per day. I ended up in ER on day 20, feeling like I was going to die. I suspected the nose spray and stopped it the next day. The side effects cleared up completely 3 days after stopping the medication, and I feel like myself again. This was a truly nightmarish experience!

None. Seems to have dimished heart palpitations from taking Plavix.

Would reccomend in an instant. Sinus infections went away in about three (3) days and didn't suffer from any loss of taste.

I'm taking fluticasone for allergy.

I'm getting few if any side effects- maybe a little slow & sleepy,but that could be from allergies, which are definitely not as bad since I started the Rx.

I have not had any side effects whatsoever. I have seasonal allergies but this year has been the worst. The nasal spray appears to be helping but then again it could be that whatever I am allergic to has somewhat cleared up. Too soon to tell.

The brand I am using is the generic brand manufactured by Apotex.

sinusitus, Chronic Nasal Polyps

Seems to work great for me. keeps polyps down to reappearing in 5 years instead of 1. No more sinus infections.

Sinusitis / Allergy / Stuffed Nose

Feeling of losing your breath especially during sleep (bad since nose stuffed) / Anxiety / Feeling of something bad is going to happen / panic attack / unable to sleep.

Didn't put two and two together until I read this wed site concerning both this generic and the brand name Flonase. Thought I was dying / wife says I was over reacting but now I see I am not the only one experiencing these adverse reactions.

My daughter's usual Veramyst was changed to this. Although this is considered a generic to Veramyst, we found side effects that were different than she'd experienced. She experienced trouble falling asleep, but when she did sleep, it was fitful and her dreams were vivid. She'd wake up in a panic and felt beathless (so she'd think she was having asthma & take the rescue inhaler). We noticed that she was taking the rescue way too many times during the week, so we watched her and began to notice that it seemed to be a panic attack instead. We also noticed daytime mood swings, anxiety, out-of-it feeling, angry, argumentive behaviour, and mild depression.(Yes, I know she's a teen, but this was obviously related to what she'd been taking).

Called the allergist who "never heard of this reaction". What did I think he was gonna say? He did say to take her off for a few days and see if she feels better, that she might be sensitive to an ingredient that's in it. We did take her off and she's had 3 nights of good, nightmare-free sleep. I read somewhere (maybe on this site) that these drugs are from the steroid family and can cause the reactions noted. She was experiencing what so many others here have reported.

FLUTICASONE PROPIONATE (FLUTICASONE PROPIONATE): Fluticasone is used to treat certain growths in the nose (nasal polyps). It belongs to a class of drugs known as corticosteroids. Fluticasone works by reducing swelling (inflammation) in the nasal passages. This can help decrease symptoms such as stuffy nose. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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It seemed to do fine at wiping out my infection. I learned from trial and painful error that heartburn could be kept tolerable by taking clindamycin only when my stomach was empty and then not eating for about 2 hours. Taking on a full stomach led to 30-60 minutes of misery starting about 5 min after swalloing.

I experienced huge hives, uncontrolled itching, swollen face and hands. The allergic reaction took place 1 day after I finished all of the.medication. It was a frightening experience. Went to the ER that night and the next day is when my face and hands swelled up! I was told I could have died.

personally I feel it counteracted my ADHD medicine, which was very annoying and unproductive. it did help regulate my period, but I felt it had more side effects than helped. I didn't really want to start BC but my doctor recommended I do for health and family medical history. I don't think it was a horrible drug but for me it had generally annoying side effects.

Warning all family & friends to ask for an alternative if any Dr. puts them on this med.

Very mild appetite suppression - if I'm careful to eat lunch, I don't even get hypoglycemic. Before the concerta I'd forget to eat and get distracted on the way, and would never get into pj's at bedtime either, so I can't ocmplain about it.