Flurazepam hcl (flurazepam hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Flurazepam hcl (flurazepam hydrochloride)

I felt tired most of the next day.

I was prescribed 30 mg as required at night 1/2 hour before bed. The pharmacy only has 15mg capsules in stock so he filled the prescription with twice as many pills and therefore I would take 2 when needed. This allowed me to experiment and try one 15 mg pill. When I took one 15 mg pill I never slept well and would lay awake from 3am until morning. With the 30 mg dose I sleep like a log, but feel tired all day long.

FLURAZEPAM HCL (FLURAZEPAM HYDROCHLORIDE): This medication is used to treat a certain sleep problem (insomnia). It may help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and lessen how often you wake up during the night, so you can get a better night's rest. Flurazepam belongs to a class of drugs called sedative-hypnotics. It acts on your brain to produce a calming effect. Use of this medication is usually limited to treatment periods of 1 to 2 weeks or less. If your insomnia continues for a longer time, talk to your doctor to see if you need other treatment. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I was on this drug for 18 years. Never had any side effects until the last two years. I had tremors for 2-3 years and doctors weren't sure why. Finally, last year, my doctor and I deduced that it might be from Singulair. I decided to stop taking this medication after being on it for 18 years. Within a few days, my tremors subsided. I have been off Singulair for a year now and I haven't had any tremors ever since. It is very strange that after 18 years, I developed tremors from this medication.

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