Fluoxetine hydrochloride (fluoxetine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Fluoxetine hydrochloride (fluoxetine hydrochloride)

I agree that cannabis is a better alternative. I will cease my other drugs.

Felt numb, lost sex drive, lost appetite. Made me light headed. Didn’t have any beneficial effect whatsoever. Not sure how this was made legally & prescribed to patients.

Don’t even waste your time. Matter fact don’t even take any “prescription” drugs just smoke some weed. You’ll be alright. We’ll make it through this game of life.

assist with anxiety hypertension

Absentmindedness.Also, better ejaculation control during intercourse.I take it along with cozaar 50mg; Aspovar 10mg and Bisohexal generic 5mg.Works well, I would recommend this for males in their mid-30s who are new to hypertension treatment like me and would like to improve their daily lives.

Side Effects forfluoxetine hydrochloride (fluoxetine hydrochloride) - User Comments


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Abnormal severe muscles aches in arms when using my arms for building a storage shed and roofing my house. When I stopped any activity using my arms my muscles were fine but any use of them causes abnormal soreness that pain medications will not take away and it makes it hard to sleep

I had taken Aleve acouple of times before and nothing had happened. However my boyfriend gave me two yesterday around 7 and around 1 in the morning I woke up because I had been scratching so badly my skin was feeling a bit raw. I brushed it off thinking I was having allergies because of our dog. My hands kept getting more swollen and the itch was horrible, then I started noticing hives on my chin, arms, hands legs and my feet were starting to get swollen and forming hives! Do Not Take This Drug! And if you have go buy benadryl and anti-itch cream

Do the benefits outweigh the severe side effects-Pfizer says it's rare but serious side effects-I know many people that have had the same problem with muscle damage so I would not consider the side effect to be "rare" and now since I'm off the drug wonder how much permanent damage to my muscles is their due to this awful drug

Depression, anxiety, decreased sex drive

Not really working to slow progression of RA

Bloating, irritability, weight gain, always hungry, wake up tired, take a nap and still tired, slight constant headache.

My body was so out of wack that I was getting blood work done to test for anything and everything before I did some research and realized my symptoms were caused by Yasmin. I got off of it immediately and will start Mircette this week. I experienced terrible mood swings and absolutely no energy even though I sleep 10 hours a day. Did not have the enery to exercise like I normally do. I have heard good things about this pill from my friends, but I absolutely could not stay on it one day longer- my body hated it.

Insomnia, feeling of doom, ear ringing, red face, exhaustion, joint pain.

I was taking a lot of vicodin and still in contanst pain. I can finally function without thinking about he pain on a minute by minute basis. This has been a god send.

Thank you everyone who commented, I didnt realize it was the pill making me crazy, I thought I had lost my mind so I increased my Wellbutrin. I'm clinging to my boyfriend and I am so not a cling - on! He must think I've totally lost it. Cant wait to get off these!