Fluconazole (fluconazole) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Fluconazole (fluconazole)

Very bad itching all back and abdomen with red spots here and there that after taking Benadryl disappear. Itching went better, then, after a week came back very bad. Very bad reaction. Took before without such reactions

Unsatisfied for the new reaction and suspended after 3 days. Will take probiotics and grapeseed fruit extract

Very bad itching all back and abdomen with red spots here and there that after taking Benadryl disappear. Itching went better, then, after a week came back very bad. Very bad reaction. Took before without such reactions

Unsatisfied for the new reaction and suspended after 3 days. Will take probiotics and grapeseed fruit extract

Vertigo the morning after first dose. It is now 5 days later, so the drug should be out of my system, but the vertigo and dizziness persist! I saw my pcp who agreed it is from the drug. I will call her next week to find out long term prospect.

Debilitating fatigue, diarrhea 1 hour after taking drug. Severe nausea, edema, fatigue, and muscle aches the next day.

Now I know why it's known for damaging your liver - I've never felt so toxic after taking a drug! I was actually prescribed 100 mg but was cautious, so I cut the pill in half - thank goodness.I realize my condition makes me more susceptible to herxing (die off), but this is not worth the risk. I will go back to antifungals that are natural or that don't go outside of the digestive track.

head spinning nausea strange taste

this was my second attempt at this drug 7caps 1per day last dose may. Feeling most unwell dental hospital found my iron stores are low and they suspect thrush

none just acidy mouth in the morning almost at the end of my dose

prescribed the one strong pill for a day then a dose of 28 pills 50mg to take everyday after first few days felt the die off effect tiredness sleepiness lack of energy, together with the change of my diet no sugar at all ,lots of water, green veggies, egg for protein all organic products, i'm getting better, this drug I can highly recommend if you are suffering from candida and you have tried everything in the booksi have 4 days left and i like been healthy again.

FLUCONAZOLE (FLUCONAZOLE): Fluconazole is used to treat vaginal yeast infections. It works by stopping the growth of common types of vaginal yeast (fungus). This medication belongs to a class of drugs called azole antifungals. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I took the generic Amlodipine. After spending hundreds of dollars with a dermatolgist and undergoing four biopsies, I was told that the rash was caused by the Amlodipine. I was also told it would take six weeks for the symptoms to subside after I stopped the medication. The hair loss, insomnia, and anxiety were not confirmed as side effects; however, they have gone away after I stopped taking the medication. Unfortunately, it seems it is going to take the full six weeks for the blistering and itching to stop, and it appears the blisters are going to leave scars. I think the physicians who prescribe the medication should be more educated about the side effects so that they can recognize an adverse reaction more quickly and possibly lessen the suffering of the poor confused patient.

Hospitalized twice, still having issues after 3 months - have to use a cane to walk, career over...why would the FDA continue to allow this to be sold!

some vaginal dryness, more yeast infections, breast tenderness in first couple of months, moodiness (extreme depression)

At first, no side effects, then on the fifth day: heart missing beats, extreme fatigue, depression and confusion, had to take a break from work. Depression lasted for two days, confusion for three, and everytime I got some sleep I had very disturbing nightmares. The fourth day after cessation, I woke up with a green tongue (bacteria most likely) with white spots and a gingivitis. Now on the fifth day after cessation, I feel as if I've gotten sick, a cold of some sort. The mycosis I had under the foreskin appears to have died, red patches of irritation disappeared and small white strings, like dead skin or what do I know replaced it and seems to go away when gently brushed.

dissociation, abnormal thinking, nervousness, depression, rage, hallucinations, apathy (basically i felt crazy and maybe i was)

Worst ever, careful sneaky, pharmacy/doctor never informed. 20mg.Dose. Made my husband almost an invalid and it's not cool.

I nearly didn't do this as I read the side effects but my Dr said try it, so I trusted him and boy am I glad I did.In 5 months my migraines have virtually gone only 1 last month? Compared to 20 I am now having a full hysterectomy In 1 month and staying on the ad back hrt patches. Scary but I haven't worried about my head in ages fingers crossed the hysterectomy is just as good.

I was originally on Prozac for depression and that helped the irritability that accompanies my episodes. However, I was still about as motivated as a rock and had ZERO interest in intimacy with hubby (not even cuddling!) The doc I saw added Wellbutrin XL to my regimen and lowered my dose of Prozac to 10mg. He informed me that while Prozac was very good at evening out your moods, Wellbutrin was much better if your trouble was lack of motivation. But since my depression is coupled with a tendency for yelling at loved ones (very unlike me usually) he kept me on the Prozac so I wouldn't be more motivated to yell at everyone! The combination was nothing short of miraculous for me - I finally got my house clean, lost weight, got interested in hubby again, had fun with my kids.I write this because I read some reviews that could scare someone away from using Wellbutrin XL. I know its not for everyone, but sometimes a good doc can tweak your dosages or drug combinations to find the right fit

I had no other choice because planned planthood gave me no ther choice. My sister was told the same thing and she had hair loss and acne. I feel like I'm going crazy, I have noticed that I feel people are angry with me or taking about me behind my back. Horrible stomach aches like someone punched me and neausea. Axiety and other things like acne. I also had a heavy period for 2 days then gone.I told them at the office that gave me this and they acted like I was crazy. I am glad that I found this website as well. I'm so sorry to anyone who took this and had similar side effects. I feel for you.

I took my first dose of 2 ,250mg ,4 times a day on the evening ,then continued the next day ,lunchtime i started getting severe cramping ,by 1am i was rushed to hospital with severe stomach pains ,up to my chest ,could barely breath ,4 days on i still havnt ate much or drank much ,horrible tablets